Friday, April 06, 2012

Thu - Apr 5/12

Finished "The Giving Heart" Project thanks to best friends back home. I thought I had a copy of the instructions on the computer - No Luck! I emailed our friends last night and received the info first thing this morning - Luck!

Well - not really luck - good friends are a blessing and they always come through for you when needed!

Last night Charlotte creatively painted the small wooden hearts we picked up at Hobby Lobby yesterday. I printed out the instructions (below) on business cards and placed them in sandwich bags with our RVing business card. We will present them as gifts for those who attend our neighbour's good-bye party this evening.

The instructions to go with the heart are:

The Giving Heart

"The Giving Heart" is a symbol of your love.
It is meant to be given...constantly!
Hide this symbol of your affection in a pocket, drawer or briefcase. 
Put it under a pillow or in a lunch bag.
Upon discovery, the love of your life will discover the warmth of your love!
Now it is their turn to show affection by hiding "The Giving Heart" in your stuff!

We have had a "Giving Heart" for many, many years. It is with us in the RV. It is always a joy to come upon it unexpectedly. That makes me smile! Then it is my turn to hide it where it will be sure to be found by the love of my life. That makes me smile too!

We continued little prep jobs for departing in a week. We will be home by the end of April. Late afternoon we headed out to pick up the 5/8" HSS (High Speed Steel) bit I needed as well as a Chicago (Brand) 18V 1/2" drill. I only had a 3/8" drill in the RV and the bit required is only available in the 1/2" shank size. I hope it works - I will find out tomorrow.

Charlotte had a nap until it was time to go next door (go next RV?) to the farewell gathering at 7 pm. Part way through the evening I explained "The Giving Heart" and each couple picked a heart of their choice from the collection on the tray.

Amazing how good conversation makes the time fly. We could not believe it was actually 11 pm when the gathering broke up.

Needless to say - no TV and straight to bed.

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