Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mon – Apr 16/12

Decided to stay an extra day at Sunset Point to avoid the tail end of the massive storm system that spawned hundreds of tornados from Texas to Michigan.

Today we went to visit the LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson - 36th President of the USA ) National Park.which is located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country about 25 minutes south of the RV Park. The park is unique in that it has two visitor areas separated by about 14 miles: the Johnson Settlement/Visitor Center/Boyhood Home/Park Headquarters in Johnson City, TX and the LBJ Ranch near Stonewall, TX. The State of Texas manages a Visitor Center near Stonewall where the visitor can obtain a free driving permit to the LBJ Ranch, which is managed by the National Park Service.

At the Main NPS (National Park Service) Unit in Johnson City we visited LBJ’s boyhood home. The original Johnson Settlement is also nearby. This is where his grandparents settled in the 1860s.

Next we headed west to the LBJ Ranch which is located about 14 from  Johnson City on US-290 near Stonewall, TX. At this visitor center we obtained the visitors permit (free) required to visit the LBJ Ranch. We also received a descriptive guide on CD to play as we drove.

We started by visiting a "real" farm of the era (1860s) of the original area settlers where all functions as it did a century and a half ago.

The road  took us past the local church, across the river, next to his boyhood school, past his birthplace, by the family cemetery, face-to-face with the cattle in the field (actually on the road), next to the “Show Barn” and eventually up to the ranch house.

We checked in to purchase our tour tickets ($2 each) at the “Hanger” where “Air Force ½” (as LBJ referred to the smaller Air Force One) was formerly housed. This jet that was used to commute from Washington to the Texas “White House” is now stored under a metal canopy for viewing.

LBJ liked his Lincoln convertibles. A few were on display along with other favourite cars including his "Hunting (Red) Ford" (w/gun rack in the back) and an Amphicar.

The tour of the "Texas White House" gave insight into a very unique president. Most often remembered as falling into the presidency on JFK’s (John F. Kennedy) assassination LBJ does not get his presidential “just due”.  This is compounded by being tarnished by the turmoil of 60’s and the Viet Nam War. Truth be known – LBJ was instrumental in passing over 1000 items of legislation that fought for benefits for the common man as well as promoting equal rights. Factoid: The number of Bills passed by all the presidencies since LBJ still do not match this total.

In conclusion - let me say this about that! (Oops! That was "Tricky Dick" - grin)

I never thought I would see this! With Ranch Road sign numbers up in the thousands in Texas it is totally appropriate that I find #1 here as all roads lead to (or from) the Johnson Ranch! After all, he did say:

"All the World is Welcome Here" ---Lyndon Baines Johnson

On the way back to the RV we stopped for supper at the River City Grille overlooking Lake Marble Falls in (Aw! You guessed it) Marble Falls, TX. Charlotte had the BK Salad (excellent) and I, the Big Bad Burger (voted best in town). We shared "Paul’s Pie" (like it says on the menu - not really pie – “ask us”) for dessert.

At the RV Charlotte watched TV in the bedroom while I watched the Boston Bruins/Washington Capitols game up front. I managed to catch info on the Ottawa Senators – New York Rangers Stanley Cup Playoff (hockey) game (not available on park cable). Unfortunately, Ottawa lost 1-0 in a "goalies" duel.

Tomorrow we will head towards Houston, TX. We have Johnson Space Center Level 9 (behind the scenes) Tour reservations for 11:45 am on Thursday (only 12 available per weekday).

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