Monday, April 02, 2012

Sun - Apr 1/12

Our neighbours pulled out early this morning. They wanted to beat the traffic jam at the entrance as this is the last day of the Renaissance Festival. The park is getting emptier by the day. Hard to tell how many have left. We can see the empty RV spaces; however the number of empty "Park Models" is less obvious.

We did a huge laundry today. Very few there when we went. It doesn't take long when you can use 5 washers and then 5 dryers at the same time. What would take all day at home was completed in a little over an hour. Perhaps another small laundry before we leave and that will be it for this year.

The year's high temp yesterday (over 90F) had quickly dropped to a 70F day overnight. Although the sky is perfectly clear the brisk wind makes it seem even cooler. This weather will be with us for a few days before it starts climbing to the mid-80's F again by mid-week.

Went to Old Chicago in Mesa, AZ for supper. Charlotte felt like a "stringy" pizza for supper. We get the "thin crust" with anchovies, green olives, bacon and pepperoni. This is the first time we have had a pizza where the olives came whole, not sliced, which was great. The thin crust only comes in a 16" size so we took half of it home for tomorrow's lunch.

Old Chicago features 110 beers from around the world. Charlotte had the "Old World" sampler: Stella Artois Premium Lager; Paulaner Hefe-Welzen; Newcastle Brown Ale and Guiness Irish Stout presented as 4 oz. glasses on a wooden serving board. Charlotte, is not a beer "aficionado", did not like the darker brews.

After the meal we crossed the road to the Harkins "Superstition Springs 25" Theatre to take in "Mirror, Mirror" with Julia Roberts. The movie is a totally twisted re-telling of the classic "Snow White" (from the Evil Queen's point of view). Unfortunately, we saw parents with their kids in tow who probably expected something totally different. This was something "totally different"; but, certainly not a kids movie.

Roberts was so-so trying to be the evil element in the film. What was needed was a portrayal in the style of Disney's Cruella De Vil (Glenn Close in "101 Dalmatians").  Although the outrageous costumes and scenery where pure "Eye Candy" there was no substance. The movie lacked "filling". The storyline itself was totally revamped. Julia, the evil Queen, should have been the one "re-"Vamped" (grin) - it might have give her character a little more substance.

 The (Good) King, the father of Snow White, re-married (due to Evil Queen-to-be's love potion) on the death of his wife. Shortly after he disappeared, the Kingdom fell into hard times (symbolized by cold and - you guessed it - Snow). Snow, often referred to by her first name, ("White" was optional - grin) was a prisoner in the castle. The (Evil) Queen ordered Snow White (on her 18th birthday) be killed so she could be the fairest in the land (you know - the mirror thing).

The dwarf gang (now a stilt-wearing "Cirque du Soleil" style group of Highwaymen) with names like Half Pint, Grub, Grimm, Wolf, Butcher, Chuckles and Napoleon set upon "The Prince", who was seeking an "adventure" in the monster (unseen; but heard) inhabited woods. The dwarves left him hanging (upside-down in his underclothes) in the woods where he was discovered and set free by Snow White after she, herself, was set free by Brighton (not really a "bright one"- grin), the Queen's "Aide-de-Camp"(y) (another grin) who could not do the evil (murderous) deed.

Finding out that Snow was alive the Queen set Killer Marionettes upon her and the dwarves. (Somehow I think the Marionettes were subconsciously used by the director to symbolize Roberts "stiff" portrayal of the Queen). Snow used her father's royal dagger to cut the "strings" that tied the marionettes to the Queen's control and saved herself and the gang.

Prince Alcott of Valencia, who should have been outfitted in (valencia) orange underwear - grin), repeatedly kept losing his shirt. The Queen tried to repeat the magic love potion thing again in order to get the Prince to marry her and make her rich. Unfortunately; the potion was for "Puppy Love" leaving the Prince acting like a slobbery mutt (literally).

As circumstances evolved the Prince was rescued by Snow and the 7 at the wedding. They tried all ways to break the "puppy love" spell finally hitting upon the idea (another twist on the original) that he could be set free by a kiss from Snow. It worked!

Seeking revenge the Queen set the "Monster" upon them. They killed the "Monster" which broke the magic spell and returned the King to his former being. The Prince and Snow married, the Kingdom returned to its former beauty. At the wedding the now aged and wrinkled Evil Ex-Queen offered an apple to Snow. Fortunately, Snow declined to bite (literally - grin) which (hopefully) avoids a sequel.

If this is any indication of the coming summer crop of movies next year's Academy Awards will be have an even more sorry slate of nominees.

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