Monday, April 02, 2012

Mon - Apr 2/12

I didn't even get out of my PJ's today. Not even a picture. Low 70's F and clear with a steady brisk wind all day.

Charlotte did some organizing of the storage as we start to slowly prepare for departure. She also did some crocheting off and on throughout the day.

We had half of the half of the pizza we brought home from Old Chicago last night.

Charlotte took a walk after lunch and returned with  information about the incoming rally groups. The first of the Alpha Motorhome Rally group pulled in today and parked on the street behind us. A neighbour told Charlotte that all the Alpha's will be together at this end of the park and the Prevost Rally Group will be at the other end of the park. More RV's left today so I am sure there will be 177 spots available for the expected RVers.

I spent the whole day on the computer. I started by doing the blog then switched over to working on our plan for our trip home. All things are subject to weather; however, the main route has been laid out. Now I will work on a few backup plans and day trips for each short layovers on the way home.

My Wi-Fi booster arrived and I set it up while watching the Men's Final NCAA Basketball game. The Alfa Networks AWUS036H USB with a 5 db (gain) antenna and 1000mW output is highly rated. The other highest rated unit in testing would mount permanently on the RV but at 5 times the price I will settle for the Alfa. Being portable also means I will not need the RV to take it anywhere the computer goes (grin). I ordered on Saturday from Amazon (paid less than half the local "store price" and it even included free shipping) and it arrived on Monday. Now that's service! On hookup the "All Networks" showed the other 2 park Wi-Fi transmitters which I could not get before. I think it was a good purchase.

That's it for today's blog - I'm going back to the game.

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