Monday, April 23, 2012

Sun - Apr 22/12

Back to NOLA today via the same route. We had reservations for the "New Orleans First and Only Movie Tour" for 1 pm.

Plans were to arrive and hour and a half early, park in the French Market lot, do the French Market then cross the road from Cafe du Monde to take the tour.

No such luck! After not being able to find a parking spot after trying I dropped Charlotte off at the NOLA Movie Tour rendezvou point across from Cafe du Monde. I then continued on to park the car - or so I thought. After several tries at all lots with a mile I was beginning to panic. Even all the street "No Parking and Loading Zone Only spaces were being illegally used. By 12:45 pm I knew I could not even get back up Decatur Street to the meeting location on time for the tour so I continued North to Chartres Street and turned East. At least this way I thought I might get there on time in the car to try an make arrangements to park at a location on the tour route and get picked up as they passed.

Luck was with back with me. I found the one and only parking spot left in the city! A "Handicapped Only" spot was available in front of K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen - probably only because it is not open on Sunday. Bonus: Handicapped spots are few; but free, in NOLA.

I had less than 10 minutes to make it nearly half a mile to the meeting place. I hurried as fast as I could on the crowded sidewalks and arrived at a minute to 1 pm at the rendezvous. There was no van in sight! I was again in a panic!

Then - my phone rang! It was Jonathan Ray (tour owner/operator). Charlotte had given him my phone number and he was calling to check on my status.

Charlotte should have know! She often calls to see when I will be home when I am either turning the corner or pulling into the driveway. I answered the phone standing on one side of the corner of the building while they stood only two feet away around the corner. Now - that's funny!

I was so happy to get in the van which was around the corner. I needed to sit in the air-conditioning. Charlotte had already bought a soft drink to cool me down upon my arrival. It certainly helped. Soon we were on our way on the tour accompanied by a great group of knowledgable movie buffs.

I must point out that this tour is not just for movie fans. It is a great city tour, as well. I will describe the tour concept; but not the content, as it varies and may include your "must see" locations upon request. Each tour has it's unique aspects that even include interesting input and anecdotes from fellow tourists.

We watched video clips on the monitors located in the seat headrests while visiting the actual filming locations. We also snacked on complimentary popcorn (what else) and bottled water as we toured.

Our tour included visiting locations in the Garden District, the Warehouse District and the Central Business District.

We also visited the French Quarter, The Treme, and famed St. Louis Cemetery #1 

and Lafayette Cemetery. In each location we viewed movie clips and then the actual sites in each of these areas. We experienced over 30 different locations while be filled in on "behind-the-scene" details, as well as city history. 

We viewed houses of movie stars and writiers, as well. Jonathan discussed the art of film making and everything that goes into creating movie magic. On completion of the tour we received a listing of the tour locations we had visited.

Hey! I even won a prize in the in-van trivia contest!

This was a great tour, It was relaxing, interesting, well-paced and fun. Jonathan made the tour come alive with his insight and comments. If you take any tour in NOLA - make it this one!

The tour ran an hour over schedule, due in part to the unusually heavy traffic. Jonathan commented that he had never seen the traffic this bad - ever! He thought it might be due in part to this being "Navy Week" in NOLA. The Air Show was cancelled (twice) due to the weather leaving many who came for the show massing at the River Front to view the Naval ships and the visiting "Tall Ships" docked in the harbour. No wonder there were no parking spots!

Jonathan is not only a great guide and host, he is an actor and extra in the local movie scene as well. NOLA is third behind New York and Los Angeles in the total number of movies produced. Over a hundred movies last year with a real possibility of that number doubling this year.

Jonathan did not have to return to the pick-up location. He was so accommodating that he was able to drop everyone off on the way back near a point that they requested. We were dropped off right at the car in front of K-Paul's. 

Anecdote: Last time we were at K-Paul's we met friends from our home town who were leaving just as we arrived - small world! 

P.S. The four of us (daughters - Kat and Liz) all shared tastes of each others meal choices as they were all so good!

We stopped at the Tanger Factory Outlet just off I-10 (Exit 177)   on the way back to the RV Park. A few purchases and supper at Chili's had us returning to the RV just as the sun set.

We will hook up for departure tomorrow morning. We will relax and watch TV before bed. It has been a hectic; but most enjoyable few days in Louisiana.

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