Thursday, January 01, 2015

Wed - 31 Dec/14


Another overcast day with temps in the high 60's F. The high humidity usually makes it feel hotter; however when it gets below a certain temperature (probably depends on what you are used to) it makes it feel colder. Being quite windy today makes it feel downright cold!

My apologies. Tonight 70% of the USA will be below freezing. Being in the 60's F isn't so bad.

Lunch was my 5 minute version of Cream of Mushroom soup. The trick is to make it much more substantial and tasty by frying up plenty of fresh mushrooms - in butter (of course). I then add a can of Campbell's C of M and a can of whole milk - not cream (I'm trying to be good).

We each add salt and pepper to flavour to our preference. Then we enjoy.

Had to go out to do a little shopping before Publix closed. We only needed milk; but somehow we managed to fill the conveyor. At least we won't have to shop until next year (grin).

We stopped for a McD's on the way back.

The New Year's Dance started a 9 p.m. Most of the time this is when park activities end. Because this was a Special Event Rule #23 is superseded (and doubled) by Rule #24: At an RV Park Major Event; being there an hour early means you are already a half hour late. We were there a half hour before the band (Homer Stiles) began playing and the place was packed (guestimate = 350-400). Luckily, there were still a few places left.

Again we had the good fortune of meeting some new folks. Si, his lovely wife and great friends added to our enjoyment of the evening. Si, like many, phoned family to wish them a Happy New Year.

We phoned our girls (Kat & Liz) earlier in the evening as we knew they would be asleep by the midnight hour. Each needed to be up early the next day.

Liz, Nick and Marty would be in Ottawa. They usually travelled south with us in their RV on Boxing Day. Now that Marty (our Grandson) is older (9) and a hockey goalie they will not be able to come south until hockey season is over. (Nick helps coach and Liz is team manager).

Christmas, in Canada, means "Hockey Tournament". This year they are playing in the Bell Capital Cup in Ottawa. This is more than just a hockey tournament. It is a festival celebrating the game of hockey in Canada's Capital. Joining PeeWee and Atom teams from across Canada and the US are teams from Austria, China, Finland, Germany and Japan.

There will be over 1,000 hours of hockey in 18 Division Levels, including the Scotiabank-Canadian Tire All Star Games, the Scotiabank-Canadian Tire Skills Competitions, Esso pre-tournament friendly games on December 28th, a featured Ottawa Senators game during the tournament, and the Esso Gameday Experience (Senators open practice), the Bell Capital Cup is truly an experience of a lifetime for all who participate.

Marty's team; The South Stormont Selects (Atom House C) will play in the quarter finals in their division on New Year's Day afternoon. If they win they will "Go for the Gold". They have won their first 4 games.

Marty has only allowed 1 goal in 4 games. He has the best GAA (Goals Against Average) at 0.25. He has already won 2 trophies in this tournament's Goalie Skills Competition at his group level. Way to go Marty!

As we returned to the RV, large and colourful fireworks were going off on the other side of the lake, as well as "bangs" from various locations within the RV Park. I tried to catch the displays without much luck. The red lights in the distance are actually from the Umatilla Airport. Earlier in the evening, for about an hour, we could see fireworks going off over the lake right from the RV living room window. Someone sure had a large supply!

Happy New Year All!

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