Friday, January 30, 2015

Thu - 29 Jan/15

Please note: There may or may not be a blog until after the SuperBowl. I believe a large RV group has arrived for the weekend. They started coming in today. I think this may have overloaded the Wi-Fi. Getting on this evening is nearly impossible.

The RV park is doing all it can; however, the demands are tremendous. Most RVers have a portable computer with some having more than one. When these devices are on they are sending out a signal to the Wi-Fi router. At this park I estimate 400 computers occupying the routers resources. This would be a lot less if folks turned off the Wi-Fi (switch on keyboard) or shutting off the computer.

Add to this other Wi-Fi devices. Many cells phones (smart phones) also can operate on Wi-Fi. These are usually always on and always demanding a piece of the Wi-Fi resources. Many RV sites = 2 phones = 600 phones?

Add to this Smart Devices from Ipads and tablets to Smart TV's. Coupled with the other sources there could be over 1000 devices taxing the Wi-Fi system at any one time.

Include to this the RV Rally this weekend = Slow Wi-Fi.

For the last 3 days I have been trying to update my iPhone. Even leaving the computer on overnight did not help. The download keeps "Timing Out" because the download is so slow. Something that would normally take only a few minutes at home.

I will probably be able to get back to normal by Monday.

I will try to do short blogs until then.

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