Monday, January 12, 2015

Mon - 12 Jan/15

We are in for a "Yo-Yo" week. On and off showers started yesterday. Overcast and humid. Temps will range from 60's to almost 80 F. from today until Friday. Rain chances will be from 10 - 90%. Humidity average around 80%. Some areas of Florida will get as much rain today as they typically get all of January. At least you don't have to shovel rain. Welcome to Florida!

We lazed and watched quiz shows this morning on TV.

I must make a correction. I previously said someone in Central Florida runs into a house with a vehicle  at least once a week. I was wrong. They just gave the stats on TV. This happens almost twice a week and that's just the Greater Orlando area/ Is this a Florida things?

Hit and run accidents are an almost daily occurrence on the local TV news. These often result in death for the victim. I guess this is why most of the local TV ads are for accident lawyers (so many people getting hit) and car dealers (so many people needing new cars).

The murder rate in Florida is almost 4 per day. The rate per 100,000 is still less than half of that of Louisiana and only 2/3 of Alabama. Well, that's the good news! (grin). Again, Welcome to Florida!

Most of the day was as dark as dusk. Charlotte took the car to this afternoon's craft session because of the threat of a downpour at any time,,, and it did (thunderstorm).

The rain was so heavy it totally filled the privacy screen material spaces (Black material on the front and side window(s) of the RV) making it impossible to see out the front. I usually plan an RV activity when Charlotte is at crafts. I had planned on organizing one or two of the outside storage compartments; but that will have to wait due to the steady rain.

Craft session today was a demonstration lesson on how to change a bucket into a foot stool/storage unit. There will be a break for a few weeks before starting this project allowing those interested time to gather the necessary materials.

The activity this evening was Bingo. We passed due to the heavy rain. We are up to 3" of rain so far. Some close-by areas are expected to get between 5 and 6 inches before morning. We may hit 4" or more.

I am sure the diehard players will be there tonight. Folks get to Bingo really early (6 p.m. for a 7 p.m. start) so they can get their "Lucky" seat. You may will be asked to move if you are sitting in "their" seat. Many "Regulars" bring "Good Luck" charms that are placed in special positions on the table.

Several have elaborate "Bingo Bags" in which to carry their markers, charms, noise makers and other necessities.

I downloaded a pattern for a bag similar to the one above for Charlotte in case she is interested.

I previously described the types of Bingo games played. Today the topic is the variety of noises or things people do when certain Bingo numbers are called. These sounds vary by area, state, country and even local bingos.

Sounds heard at the OMS Bingo on a regular basis when certain numbers are called are:

I-22 = a high toned "Too-Too" (made only by several ladies in unison), Other areas may get a "Quack-Quack" based on a pair of 2's in poker being known as "Ducks".

N-40 = "FORTY?" (repeated loudly, only once, after the original call. It is done in a questioning tone as if incredulous),

B-6 or 0-66 = the ringing of a tiny bell (to ward off the Devil). 666 is often considered the "Devil's Number" and 6 and 66 are variations. Again, in some areas this = "Choo-Choo" (based on an old steam train number). I guess it depends if you are in the "Bible Belt" or not?

B-14 and other numbers bring a "Moo" or other barnyard noises often made with noisemakers (which include squeezing a "rubber chicken's" legs).

There is also the constant "Chatter" from certain groups of regulars. We find it all we can do to concentrate and play leaving no time to talk during a game. We only talk before, between games and at half-time when everyone gets up for complimentary cookies and/or a coffee.

Bonus: Charlotte continued work on our new bibs. They have a different pattern on each side. That way we can get them twice as dirty before needing a wash. (grin)

One almost done. We just have to pick up velco (fastener) next time we are out shopping.

Extra Bonus: We won't miss Jeopardy and have time to do the blog.

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