Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wed - 21 Jan/15

Lovely day today with a lot of sunshine.

Charlotte was off at 9  a.m. to crafts. It was so nice she walked to the Utility (Craft) Room. She laid out and cut material for an upcoming project this morning and returned by 11 a.m. A few minutes after her arrival a knock came at the RV door. It was Jean, a neighbour and fellow crafter, who arrived with a piece of material Charlotte somehow forgot at crafts. The RV park is full of nice folks that do nice things.

My little tasks while she was away were to assemble items we purchased yesterday at IKEA:  JANSJÖ (LED lights) and then attach the FRACK (mirror) in the bathroom.

After lunch Charlotte began sewing (Note: The new JANSJÖ light). She began assembling items she had cut out this morning in the craft room.

Our neighbour has been working for the past few days planting items around his "Park Model" trailer. A lot of the "Permanent" residents do extra on their lot. A few are really quite impressive.

Today is a "Slow News Day". A "Slow News Day", in the business, is when nothing is happening.  "To fill" the news people drag out something from their files. Today we will be just relaxing and watching movies from our collection so the only "report" will be Florida Items - "To Fill".

We thought the traffic and few accidents we saw yesterday on our trip to Orlando were bad enough. Today, on the news, the areas we had been through were now in pure havoc. Welcome to Florida!

The usual daily homicide was up to several yesterday. Shootings happen everywhere: McD's, Shopping Malls, pizza places, restaurants, drive-by's or just going down the road. It's not always in the "Big City". A few miles from the RV Park a woman driving a car was shot and killed. The police have 3 witness from the car and cannot determine if this was deliberate or an accident.

Outside of the massive loss of life on 9/11 at the Twin Towers in NY by terrorists, the havoc created daily by locals (not terrorists) is astronomically higher.

There were also several police shootings at suspects who threatened their safety including ramming them with a car. Police undercover vehicles (on stakeouts?) were shot at in two separate incidents. The criminals probably thought they were a rival gang.

There is always something happening at a school. Often it is a shooting or stabbing; however this week it was a gang rape of a student in the bushes near the school by several members of the school football team.

Unfortunately, a few children were hit going to and from school. (1 dead,1 critical, 1 with minor injuries). One was a hit and run (amongst the several a day) that occur. Witnesses followed the driver on foot and detained the suspect until police arrived. The main reasons for so many "hit and runs" are: DUI (booze or drugs); wanted felons, driving while suspended, the vehicle is stolen or having no insurance.

The "Good News" is that only one building was hit by a vehicle. The "Bad News" is you might not even be safe in your own home. If bullets don't get you, a vehicle might. (Several children in a Day Care were killed last year when hit by a car.)

It is sad to say that all of the above are typical for the large urban areas where we have stayed in the RV in the USA. This type of "Daily News" will only be relieved when we return home.

That's the "Slow News Day" rant for today.

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