Friday, January 02, 2015

Fri - 2 Jan/15

We couldn't watch Marty's  Gold Medal Hockey Game at 8 a.m. as the park Wi-Fi is not good enough. We were; however watching the iPhone intently for a text message.

Yahoo! The South Stormont Atom Select House C Team Won 3-2. They are "GOLDEN"! They will have another banner to add to their "Barn". Hockey arenas are often referred to by locals as "Our Barn" due to it's structural resemblance to a huge barn.

Marty is the top goalie with no losses, 4 shutouts and only 3 goals against in 6 games. The Selects scored 39 times in the tournament. Cullen tied for first in scoring and Owen tied for the second top scoring spot. Seven of their players were in the top 21 scorers for the tournament. It was truly a team effort!

Hockey in Canada is like Baseball and Football in the USA and Soccer in the rest of the world. It is both a team sport and a family event. The skills taught for the sport become life skills as the players mature. Teamwork, practice, persistence, sportsmanship ... the list goes on and on. All become the building blocks for a better life.

A special thanks to the hundreds of volunteers that make these teams (and tournaments) possible. Thanks to the local sponsors that support the teams with contributions ranging from uniforms and equipment to ice time. Thanks to the major tournament sponsors as well as each and every parent, relative and coach. A contribution supporting sports is a contribution to a better world.

Another foggy, overcast start to the day. It did burn off as the temp headed into the mid 70's F. This is when I miss Arizona. There it was sunny every day' except 6, over the 4 months we were there. Even at 100 F we didn't turn on the A/C because it wasn't uncomfortable (4% humidity).

Around the noon hour we headed for Lowes in Mt. Dora. The plastic latch that holds the screen door to the main RV door had broken again. The plastic gives out every few years. I bought 2 the last time I could locate a replacement. The final one just broke. The problem with many unique RV parts is that after the initial run they are no longer available. I found a white metal sliding window latch that I thought might do the job.

On the way back to the park we made a quick stop at "Sew What?" in Umatilla. Charlotte was on a scouting mission to see what was offered should she need materials once she starts quilting. She now has a place where she can rent a "Long Arm" Quilting Machine. These are specialized sewing machines with arms from 6 to 12 feet long allowing them to stitch intricate patterns on a whole quilt with ease.

Back at the RV Charlotte made toasted tomato sandwiches while I took out the tools for the project and placed them on the patio table. We then had lunch. Tasty!

Soon I had the old parts removed and the new solution in place. To attach both doors the latch handle, is moved up to holds both doors together. The single screw head in the main door depresses the screen door button. This is so it will not "latch". This is necessary when both doors are closed together. If the screen door became latched while fastened together the doors could not be opened.

It may not be elegant; but it works perfectly. Bonus: the likelihood of this latch breaking is slim and a replacement, if needed, can easily be found at any hardware store.

We went to Walmart in search of a TV amp to boost the signal. They had none, so I crossed the road and picked up a pair at Radio Shack. I will check to see if it improves reception tomorrow morning. If not I can return the units.

The sun has now set. What is that light in the distance? It's a Chili's sign! I think we can make it safely across the road in our famished state (we haven't eaten since lunch). Time to eat out - It's Friday!

We ordered the dinner for 2 for $20 special which includes 2 regular entrees and a shared appetizer. We shared a half order of Texas Fries. Charlotte ordered the Chicken Fajita as her entree and I, the Classic Bacon Burger. Both were excellent and like most everyone else we packed a doggy bag to take home.

Back too late to watch Jeopardy! Time to do the blog, watch TV and sign out.

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