Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tue - 13 Jan/15

There was the annual newcomers meeting (9-10) followed by the resident's meeting (10-11) in the main clubhouse. We decided to pass. We will read about it on the flyer that should follow.

After yesterday's downpours we are already dry thanks to Florida's sandy soil. Some areas got almost 6 inches which is the usual amount for all of January.

Charlotte took a stroll to the clubhouse to check on the activity sheets. Nothing new to sign up for.

Charlotte also took one of her handmade, fully jointed, mohair bears to the office as her donation to the "Chinese Auction" (for charity). They were expecting it's arrival at the office and were excited to see it. Charlotte's last donated bear brought in over $100 for charity. Most folks think they are "Cute"; but do not understand their value. The mohair that Charlotte uses runs over $200 a yard.

Only a 20% chance of rain which means we will head out in the afternoon for a few items we require. Despite being completely overcast the temperature was at a nice level so we took the top off  the car. We had not been to Jo-Ann yet this year for craft supplies which meant we were going to Tavares.We took lakeshore drive in Eustis which was enjoyable.

With all the recent rainfall I think we had a touch of "RV Fever" (sort of like Cabin Fever). We decided to keep cruising with the top off and headed down the backroads towards Clermont. This is an area we stayed in a few years ago and had not been back yet this year.

There was method in my madness. A new Texas Roadhouse just opened last month in Clermont and since we had not been out for our traditional meal (Steak) upon arrival south; this was all the excuse we needed, There are Outback and Longhorn Restaurants closer; but for us, they are not the same. Only Texas Roadhouse will do.

Wow! Texas Roadhouse opens at 4 p.m. We were there at "a quarter to" and there was already a huge lineup. By 4:10 the restaurant was full and there was a waiting line to get in.

Talk about "Great Steaks"!

Even arriving early was not enough to get my seat: "Willie's Corner".(grin) Guess they didn't know I was coming.

They sent "Andy Armadillo" to apologize (another grin).

Actually, Texas Roadhouse restaurant (Chain) is offering a $1,000 gift certificate to its restaurants to anyone who can return Willie Nelson’s unofficial mascot, a stuffed armadillo named Ol’ Dillo.

Ol’ Dillo was stolen from The Capitol Theater in Port Chester after Nelson’s show there Sept. 19. He belongs to a sound engineer and has been with the band for about three years. The Capitol Theater has released video footage of a woman taking Ol’ Dillo off the stage after Nelson’s show, but no one has come forward yet.

Nelson and armadillos are very important to the restaurant. All Texas Roadhouse restaurants have a dedicated Willie’s corner and give out “Willie Braids,” a bandana with two braids hanging from it to look like Nelson. They also have an armadillo mascot,

Texas Roadhouse will do an armadillo exchange. They are offering an Andy Armadillo doll in exchange for the Ol’ Dillo. No questions asked and all tips are anonymous.

Needless to say our "8 oz. Dallas Filets" were done to perfection. The service and the "sides" were also excellent. Yes, we took half of the sides home.

After the meal we stopped at a nearby "Sally" (Beauty Supply) to buy a few of my favourite style combs. Somehow they keep evaporating?

Then we crossed a main drag to the top of a hill to "BJ's" (Wholesale Club) to fill with gas. It has been a long time since I filled up at $2.099 a gallon. That's less than $20 for a complete tank!

Final stop was our usual Publix for milk and a few other necessities.

All this and we still got back in time for Jeopardy and my CBS Tuesday night programs.

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