Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tue - 30 Dec/14

Yo-Yo weather - we are back to overcast and much cooler (70 F). Humidity is high (85%) and the odds are even on the POP (Probability of Precipitation = 50%). Today will be a "Park Day". This weather also makes today a good day to load the trunk and head to the laundry room. We usually go at noon hour in the hope that it will be less busy.

Doing laundry in an RV park is different than at home. At home laundry is usually done on a weekly basis or as needed. Here, many "Park Models" (trailers that are not designed to be mobile and are mounted in a permanent location) have their own washer and dryer, Some sites may have the washer and dryer located in an outside storage shed. "High End" motorhomes and 5th Wheels usually include a "Combo" unit located in a bathroom or bedroom closet. A combo unit is designed to save space and do both chores automatically.

The rest of us go to the RV Park Laundry. This is often done only when we are down to our last set of clean clothes. Unlike doing laundry at home, we cannot start the washer and check it later when we have a chance to do so. Here we must remain (park rules; but many don't) while using the washers so that the clothes are removed immediately when finished. We usually use 3 washers at once; one for whites, one for dark clothes and the last for coloured/permanent press. For identification I placed my "Ladybugs" on each washer.

I did the same when the washers finished and the clothes were placed in the dryers.

This is not as necessary in a small laundry room when it is not busy as it was when we stayed in Arizona where there were 60 or more machines in the laundry area.

Two hour later the task was done. The clean and folded clothes require less trunk space for the return trip.

Several RV's arrived throughout the day. Some for a long term stay and some for a "Rally". This park has a section where groups can gather together for short stays. Back at the RV we noticed new neighbours moving onto the corner lot. Tom, another of our neighbours, indicated a few of his relatives would be arriving soon. I think this latest influx will place Michigan ahead of Canada for the "most folks here are from ..." title.

Neighbours were also out raking. We are in the original part of the park where there are at one or two giant oak trees per lot. Deciduous trees in the north shed leaves seasonally in the fall,  The trees here drop their leaves continuously throughout the year. People are using leaf blowers or rakes on a daily basis to make piles of leaves.

The park staff patrols and picks up the leaf piles on a regular basis. The leaves from each lot will literally fill a cart. Today there were two carts on our street at the same time. They both left with full loads. Needless to say, our health prevents either of us from participating in this strenuous exercise. Our lot will have less green grass as it will remain leaf and acorn covered. Although the park, on request, will provide rakes and shovels, they do not rake the lots.

Supper would be a Taco Meal.

Charlotte took care of the slicing and dicing of the tomatoes, lettuce and onions; while I fried the fresh hamburg and added the spices.

Mmmm...a great meal!

My "Taco Technique" solves the age old question - "Soft or Hard". My solution has the best of both. I spread a thick layer of sour cream on the soft shell then place the hard taco shell in the center. After the hard shell is filled I fold the soft shell upward around the hard shell. The sour cream keeps both shells together. In this way I can enjoy "The Crunch" without having to juggle falling pieces when the hard shell breaks with each bite. Works for me!

Guess what! Time for Jeopardy.

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