Sunday, January 04, 2015

Sun - 4 Jan/15

First thing this morning I phoned Nick (son-in-law) to wish him a Happy Birthday and to talk about the weekend hockey tournament. He is an assistant coach of the Stormont Selects (Atom C House team) that won Gold in their division of the Bell Capital Cup. The Capital Cup is one of the largest hockey tournaments in the world. Hockey is a family affair. Liz manages the team. Marty (our grandson) was the #1 Goalie for their category level. Marty also won two Goalie Skills Trophies. Way to go guys!

TV, as usual, was CBS Sunday Morning. After the week of local newscasts with murders, cops shooting criminals and plenty of car accidents, a little good news is welcomed. A twist this week was that a house was hit by a bus, not a car.

I set up the second computer using the portable hard drive and a special hook up link so we can watch movies on the RV TV screens.

Next up was to clean the A/C filters. Needless to say they were dusty.

Lunch was finishing the few yummy egg salad sandwiches that were left from the huge batch Charlotte made for yesterday's Pot Luck in the main clubhouse.

The afternoon was spent relaxing as we watched movies on the new setup. We started with a few Alfred Hitchcock classics which included Dial M for Murder, The Man Who Knew Too Much and Topaz.

Sunday is Trivia Night in the main clubhouse (7 pm). Most folks come as a team. We hoped there would be room for us to join a group. Once again, we met two interesting folks. They were from Pennsylvania and Iowa. Both couples were new to the park so we called our team "The Newcomers". We didn't do too bad at all, one more point and we would have tied for third out of more than a dozen teams. We agreed to team up again next Sunday if we had no other plans for the evening.

TV tonight was dictated by what seemed the most interesting as we skipped through the channels.

Record highs again today. With night time humidity above 90% we will leave the A/C on to make sleeping more comfortable.

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