Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday - 21 Jan/16

This morning is a repeat of yesterday. The alarm went off and we didn't. I had a bit of a sore throat yesterday and it's Charlotte's turn today. We are both fighting a minor case of the sniffles. Not a "knock down drag-em out" cold; but just enough to zap our energy levels.

Charlotte is skipping quilting again today. It is supposed to hit the low 70's F by 3 p.m. which is the warmest part of the day down here this time of year. It is going to be colder tonight and up to about 70 F tomorrow with a big storm coming in about 10 a.m. with heavy rain until 3 p.m.

We will just get "brushed" by this  major storm. Washington D.C. received and foot of snow already and another two feet is coming tomorrow. We are glad this isn't the week we have to travel home.

I moved my saw off the table so Charlotte could set up her sewing machine.

The Wi-Fi was working quite well (comparatively speaking) so I started updating my iPhone Apps. Still way longer than required at home; but much better than requiring all night or not at all like before. Ooops! spoke too soon - it still took several hours (9 a.m. until 11 p.m.) to do a few minutes work as the Wi-Fi connection kept timing out. Then I would have to start all over again. I was also back not being able to save the blog.

Wow! TV said oil hit an 12 year low at below $27.00 a barrel. I wonder how long that will last? If the ratio was proportionate gas should be be a lot less a than a dollar a gallon. (When it is over a $120 a barrel it still costs less than $4 a gallon = proportionately now it should be less than $1 a gallon - fat chance - they always gouge the consumer no matter what!)

It only took a few minutes to get the sewing machine threaded and new bobbins wound.

Soon she was sewing away.

Charlotte arranged her "T-Shirt Quilt" sections together on the bed to check for length. The quilt is made from the T-shirts we bought in our travel over the years. It will be a memory of places visited and will look great when finished!

TV evening, as usual. I kept trying to get the iPhone updated all day. It kept timing out and I would have to start over again. Finally, after 10 p.m. it stayed connected and completed (slowly) by 11 p.m.

Then I completed the blog to end the evening.

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