Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday - 14 Jan/16

Morning began with temps below 50 F. We actually got up with the alarm (TV comes on) at 7:30 a.m. Charlotte was off to sewing for 9 a.m. She will try to complete the sewing of the place mats that she cut out yesterday.

Not so cold last night. The neighbours plants all seem to have survived. Every now and then the sun peaks through for a few minutes then it clouds over again. Temps will reach the mid-60's F before the possible thunderstorms and rain arrive tomorrow (mostly before noon).

Wow! Hurricane "Alex" is the first January hurricane sine the 1930's. This is the fourth known to occur in January. At least it will just stay in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and not do much harm.

I'm anxious for my UPS delivery to arrive today. It contains the materials I ordered for my next shelving project. UPS Tracking indicates it is now out for delivery. It should arrive sometime today at the park office.

I then performed routine tasks this morning before starting dinner. I try to have it ready for Charlotte's return at noon on sewing days. She was the first to arrive and the last to leave today's session.

It was Movie Time after dinner. We watched Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfieffer in "What Lies Beneath" (2000). (Don't watch it alone in a dark room). It is not really a horror movie; but plenty scary with a good plot.

When the UPS tracker on the computer showed my package had been delivered I followed the proper procedure:

      1. I went to our mail box.

      2. I picked up the "You Got Mail" card

      3. I Brought it to the Olde Mill Stream Office.

      4. I exchange the card for the package.

Julie and Linda were on duty (just part of the great staff). After a little laughter (they're a great staff here). Almost impossible to get out of the office without some teasing going on.  I then headed back to the RV with my package.

I worked on the unwrapping, organizing and assembling the components for my pull-out shelves while Charlotte sat on the sofa and hand sewed the finishing touches on the place mats.

Charlotte complete the 6 place mats by suppertime. They look great!

I only partly finished my installation. The supports and 3 pairs of Accu-Glides are now in place. The glides can be placed in any of the slot levels giving good adjustablity. Placement will depend on what we decide to store on each shelf. I still have to decide on how I am going to construct the shelves and then finish the installation. The odd shape (15" depth and 5.5 inch width) are going to make it tricky. I was just able (with a little squeezing) to manage to make the installation due to the size and the fact that I cannot take anything apart to make adjustments.

Charlotte made Pizza for supper just in time to eat while watching Jeopardy. She makes liberal additions of cheese, pepperoni and toppings to make it a lot more hearty....mmm good!

The regular TV programs (and surfing) rounded out the evening.

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