Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday - 18 Jan/16

It's nice to see the clear blue sky and sunshine even if it is below 50 F (9 a.m.) with a strong breeze. It will go up to the low 60's F by 2 p.m. Nothing planned for today at the moment beyond the usual. We are just relaxing with the usual morning TV programs.

The big news for the morning was that Charlotte discovered her cactus was growing! Green is good!

Correction! The big news is a neighbour (Park Model) is getting their roof repaired. Actually, a 5th Wheel across the street was also getting repaired. The wind must have been stronger than I thought during the last storm.

Ooops! Another correction! Because our money has been devalued so much Canada has returned to using paper money instead of the Loonie! (grin).

I'm so frustrated with the Wi-Fi. I couldn't get on for 2 hours. Diagnosis kept showing that Wi-Fi was configured correctly - it was the DNS server (CommCast) that was not available. Then, all of a sudden, it works perfectly - but, for how long?

Answer: About 15 minutes! --- ?#$%*#%$ --- Worked again about an hour later.

Charlotte headed for crafts after lunch and I worked on cleaning up the disarray from my just completed kitchen project. I wonder what project I can do next?

Eureka! No, I'm not going to use the Vacuum Cleaner. (grin) That's what Archimedes shouted when he took to the streets naked. He was so excited by his discovery that he had forgotten to dress,. Eureka is Greek meaning "I have found [it]!.

I had found it! My next project, that it. I am going to improve Charlotte's motorhome storage space.

We departed as soon as Charlotte returned from crafts at 3 p.m. It was a nice ride even with the top off on the Del Sol. The sunshine felt great and the temp, just above 60 F, was refreshing; but not cold.

First stop was at JoAnn Fabrics. Charlotte needed some odds and ends for upcoming projects.

Next stop was just a few miles down the road at Home Depot. I had an idea and wanted to check it out. Eureka! Meaning I got it! (actually, bought it - grin) and I actually managed to get it into the trunk, too!

That's one shopping cart full into the trunk (even with the top in there, too! There's still room for another shopping cart full in the trunk (it's huge for a 2-seat sports car) so we stopped at Publix  for groceries on the way back to the park.

All that packing worked up an appetite. We crossed the parking lot (walking) to Burger King for supper. We each took the 5 for $4 "Deal". A bacon-cheeseburger, 4 chicken nuggets, fries, soda and a cookie - as I said, (a) "Deal".

After unpacking all at the motorhome we rested while watching Jeopardy. That was it - I couldn't wait! I needed to try one for size to make sure it would fit in the double closet. It fit perfectly! I added another shelf above the first one so we could stack two rows of shoes beneath the shirts and sweaters. We then reorganized all the clothes. I assembled and installed another two layer shelf in the second half of the closet. Now it's all roomier, neater and easier to locate items.

I couldn't stop there. Next up I assembled a shelf to hold Charlotte's sewing supplies. I used three shelves for this one. That's it for tonight! (11 p.m). I still have enough left to make two additional single shelves. I may use them in the outside storage bays? (That's for another day).

It took an hour to get the blog completed. The Wi-Fi is back to slow; but at least it was steady. "Slow| is when the "Sent" data flow is 4 times larger than the "Received" data. It should be the other way around. I only had to switch Wi-Fi towers 3 times to get it to publish rather than timeout and cancel.

That's it for this evening.

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