Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday - 17 Jan/16

The rain came as predicted dumping 2" overnight as mostly steady rain. There was some thunder; but no hail or tornadoes. There were twisters a good distance west and south that killed a few people. The Severe Weather warnings are over and the 25+ mph winds have changed direction bringing in cold from the North. The rest of the day it will just get cooler eventually falling below 40 F. It dropped from 65 F to 55 F in just the past hour. This is a typical Florida Winter Weather day.

As usual, CBS Sunday Morning to start the day. The Rally Group that was in for the weekend is leaving the park steadily. OMS will stop this feature at the end of this (Winter) season. They will start converting this area of the park into regular sites in April/May.

The Wi-Fi is back to being crappy. It gets worse on weekends. It took 2 hours last evening just to get a steady connection so I could post the blog. I really don't think ComCast is putting too much effort into finding a solution - shameful. The park is "between a rock and a hard place". It would cost thousands and thousands to switch providers and they would still have no guarantee. It was still hard to get on this morning so I waited until later in the afternoon to start today's blog after completing the Kitchen Project.

After CBS Sunday Morning we headed out to see if I could locate the remaining items needed to complete my project. The sun was beginning to peak through the fast moving clouds and it was warming up. Still a little cool for going topless in the Del Sol.

The plan was to start at Target in Mt. Dora and work out way back through the various stores until we ended up back in Umatilla, FL. I couldn't believe all the Handicapped Parking was available when we arrived. It is usually all taken. I guess all the elderly were still at church (grin).

Everywhere we would shop for the past few days we would look and measure all types of containers trying to find the correct size for the project. We couldn't believe it! On the first shelf inside the door was exactly (or as close as we will probably ever get to) what we had been looking for. It was almost disappointing.

We continued looking through the store in case they had the other items required. We made a few additional purchases  - you know things we didn't know we needed.

The next stop was at Lowe's (a different one than yesterday). We were looking for Wood Grained MacTac (nobody down here knew what I was talking about). After describing the item: "It's like a roll of wallpaper except it is vinyl with a sticky backing" to 3 sales people. One finally persevered and got me close enough to what I actually needed that I spotted the item myself. (He still didn't have clue). Here the brand name is "Peel and Stick".  I then went to hardware and found 3 drawer handles that I thought would suit the shelves..

We then headed back to the park. Charlotte helped by using her fabric Rotary Cutter to trim pieces of the wood-grained vinyl to the proper size. I then cover the wooden shelves that I had completed yesterday.

I then attached the colourful containers we had just bought at Target to the shelves (5 screws each). Next the drawer handles went on the top front of each shelf making it easier to pull then out from the cabinet.

A few hours later I had everything completed. A "Fine Job, Olie" ...even if I do say so myself. (grin)

Charlotte approved! Now we don't have to unload each shelf to just find out what is at the back. Each shelf pulls out completely (full extension slides) making it easy to see and to load/unload the contents.

We watched/listened to another Hitchcock classic: "Rear Window" (colourized version) while we worked. Next it was "George Carlin at Carnegie Hall" which was just long enough to fill in until it was time to go to the Spaghetti Supper in the Rec Hall.

OMS/Umatilla Volunteer Fire Department co-sponsor this event every year as a fund raiser in support of these First Responders. They made almost 3 dozen emergency calls to the park since last year's supper. The money goes towards new equipment.

The event is so well attended that it has to be held in 2 sessions. We bought our tickets early and were still ended up in the second session at 5:30 p.m.

It was an easy process. We dropped our tickets in the basket at the entrance then picked up our plate (Styrofoam). to which Spaghetti, Sauce and Meatballs were added. Next they carefully added a Breadstick, a Salad and a Cookie so they did not get "Sauced". The tables were set with the Salad Dressing (Italian, of course) and a utensil pack (Plastic).

The supper was good as usual. Folks were still arriving when we left at 6 p.m. It appears that all was a success again this year.

The next few days will have cool temps (low 60's F) with predominately sunny skies.

With TV being dominated by football or the Presidential Debates tonight will be Movie Night until it is time for bed.

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