Sunday, January 17, 2016

Saturday - 16 Jan/16

Up and out this morning after breakfast. A great day to take the top off  the Del Sol and enjoy the sunshine.

Our first stop was at Walmart in Summerfield, FL to return items I thought would work for my kitchen cabinet project. I discovered that the dimensions printed on the products were for the inside bottom. The top width varied as much as an inch making the product too wide for the cabinet. It was a good thing I took my tape measure with me. The alternative item that I thought would work was too wide at the top to fit.

Then it was back to The Villages Quilt Show. Charlotte still had more booths to visit. She also wanted to purchase more of the same material she bought yesterday to use with some new ideas. It was so busy today it took me 20 minutes before I could find an available parking space. It was another half hour before a spot came available that Charlotte could see where I was parked when she exited. She duplicated yesterday's visit (an hour and a half) - give or take a few minutes.

Her mission was once again successful. She found more items she needed and a few she didn't know she did.

Then, it was on to Lowe's to purchase wood so I could continue with my kitchen project. No luck. I was looking for wood in a certain dimensional size and they did not have any in stock.

Hunger called! We answered! We made a stop once again at Steak 'n Shake. We enjoyed it on a previous visit and wanted to try different milkshakes to go with our burgers (they have a huge selection). The place was packed just as it was the last time we visited. Being it was now 2 p.m. we only had to wait a few minutes to get a booth. Also, like last visit, we couldn't finish  our meals and took food/milkshakes (to go) when we departed.

I decided to take a chance and stopped at the Home Depot on the way back to OMS. I figured since I was passing I might as well check it out in case they had what I needed. I parked far from the entrance where it was shaded so Charlotte could wait in the Del Sol (saves having to put the top on) while I went in to shop.

I was in luck. They had the high quality 1" x 5" x 8' piece of lumber in stock. I had it cut into six 15" long sections. Now all I had to do when we returned to the motorhome was see if my calculations were correct.

Perfect! The pieces were an exact fit. I assembled the pieces on the slides and installed them into the cabinet. This phase of the project is complete and they work great. I still have more items to locate to finish the project. Maybe tomorrow after the storm?

The park entertainment this evening was not a dance; but a ventriloquist (Dale Anderson and Friends). He was here last year and we really enjoyed the show. Apparently, so did everyone else, as the hall was full to capacity.

Usually "Bill's Rule #23" is in force: "At an RV Park Event; being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late."; however tonight it was Rule #24: "At an RV Park Major Event; being there an hour early means you are already a half hour late."

We were a half hour early and got the last remaining available seats! Cheers! (Relax - It's Root Beer - I am the designated walker this evening.- grin). Pitchers of Draft Beer, soda and snacks are provided at the tables as part of the admission price. You have to get your own soda out of the special drink cooler; however they keep delivering the Pitchers of Draft right to the table. Free refills on all drinks meant there was a washroom stampede at the "Break"( otherwise known as the 50/50 draw). As usual we didn't win.

The show started at 7 p.m. and finished almost exactly at 9 p.m. A few times the humour had Charlotte laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. (or was that from straining because we were so far back - another grin) The show was great and I didn't see his lips move even once (Right! Because we were so far back.)

It was still quite warm as we walked back to the motorhome. We didn't need our jackets (good thing - we didn't bring them) and were back by 9:05. 

Another storm will arrive after midnight. It will be similar; but with stronger winds and more thunder and lighting than yesterday's version. There is some "Spinning" showing on the Weather Radar as it comes in across the Gulf of Mexico resulting in a Tornado Watch being issued.

Hopefully we will be able to enjoy the rain on the roof minus hail or tree branches (and a twister).

That's it for today.

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