Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday - 24 Jan/16

Clear sky and cold this morning.

The neighbour is leaving his plants covered. It was near freezing last night.

The usual CBS Sunday Morning before breakfast (finished the pancakes from yesterday).

Charlotte is crocheting and I am "computering" while we watch a movie and await news of the hockey game results. Our grandson's hockey team (he's a goalie.) is playing for the Gold Medal in a tournament in Lake Placid, NY this afternoon at 2:30 p.m.

Hockey Update: It was close - Marty's team won Silver. Marty won the Sportsmanship Award. They headed home after the game arriving about 6 p.m. They called us with an update.

We are relaxing with a TV evening. We are planning on heading out on a roadtrip to the Webster, FL Flea/Farmer's market tomorrow morning.

That's the excitement for today!

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