Sunday, January 10, 2016

Saturday - 9 Jan/16

Back up to high 70's F.  It is showing mainly sunny this morning; however, it will take at least until mid-morning for the fog to burn off and we get to see Old Sol. Cloudy in the afternoon and a good chance of rain (60%) this evening day; although it will be only a trace. The "drenching" that they talked about all week during the weather broadcast will be crossing to the North of us.

Darn! (That's Dar n - I know how to spell damn - grin) Checking the email I found out through the newsletter from The Villages Box Office that Felix Cavaliere's Rascals will be playing at the Sharon L Morse Center for the Performing Arts on Feb 27th. To Bad! We will probably be back home for a visit at that time. I would have liked to see the concert. In my youth, I once (as in one time) worked as a "Roadie" for The Young Rascals helping the band set up when they played in my hometown. I can still remember the surreal experience of listening to them play "It's a Beautiful Morning", their big hit at the time, and realizing it sounded just like the record. A big deal for a teenager!

The agonizing over how I will convert the other tall cupboard into a pull-out pantry is over! I won't!
I finally decided that because it is so short  (depth 15") and only half the height of the unit I just made I would loose too much storage space making it into a pull-out.  The 6" wide door opening only compounds the problem.

A pull-out pantry brings all the shelves out at once limiting the height of what can be put into each shelf. It's great for cans; however larger items (like cereal boxes) need a lot of top clearance. The wider the object the shorter it has to be for it to be placed on the shelf. I decided to equip the cabinet; as small as it is, with pull-out drawers. Each drawer pulls out individually enabling placement of full height objects into each drawer.

I placed an order with Rockler Woodworking and Hardware for materials to start the project. It should be here in less than 2 weeks. It probably won't be shipped until Monday (weekend order) and I opted for the cheapest rate. The quickest shipping would have cost $100 (Canadian). It may take twice as long to get here; however shipping cost is only $15 (Can.). And now I wait!

A 1 1/4" QwikTray kit will make the drawer height adjustable (up or down) in the cabinet. The 4 vertical corner posts (pilasters) hold the drawer slides (white horizontal bars in demo photo). They may be re-positioned up or down at any time.

Three 14" Accuride 100-lb Zinc Full Extension drawer slides. They are little pricey. I hope the quality will pay off. Full extension slides allow the drawer to extend completely out of the cabinet making it easy to access all items.

By then it was time for "The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation" on TV. This is such an interesting program - similar, in a way, to Daily Planet. Neat to see how inventions and technology work. "The MO You Know" multiple choice trivia style questions are also interesting and informative as is MOcabulary. The latter two features are named after the programs host Mo Rocca,

Brunch was the remaining Banana Pancakes left over from yesterday. Still great!

Nothing on TV worth watching after Innovation Nation. Half of the TV stations are showing either cartoons or infomercials. We decided to pass on the monthly car show in downtown Eustis being the weather is gloomy. The moisture level (on the TV continuous local weather channel) is fluctuating between 96 and 100%. By the time the fog burns off the clouds will be here, Time to choose a video.

There are still a few from the Hitchcock collection we haven't viewed. First up was "Marnie". Mark (Sean Connery) marries Marnie (Tippi Hedren) although she is a habitual thief and has serious psychological problems. He tries to help her confront and resolve them. We followed up with two more Hitchcock oldies before switching to TV.

Charlotte got to embroider while listening. I did computer program chores and updates as I listened to the plots unwind. Printer grief had me worried that it was finished. After a few "Head Cleaning" runs it appears to be working again.

The clouds arrived before the sun could break through. It was extremely gloomy all day. Chips and Dip / Scoops and Salsa for supper as we channel surfed. Only half a Jeopardy due to a long running football playoff.

A two hour Dateline Saturday Night Mystery ended the evening.

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