Sunday, January 03, 2016

Sunday - 3 Jan/16

The cold spell is brought in between 1" and 2" of rain through the night. This is a good day to recuperate after being busy yesterday. No plans to go anywhere today. Sunday will really be a day of rest - we need it!

We are still getting "Tree Rain". The huge oak tree will keep shedding water from it's leaves for a while even though the sun is almost breaking through the overcast and the ground (sandy soil) is dry.

The rain lasted longer than the Cinnamon Bread we bought yesterday. The bread was all gone by 10 a.m.

The brisk breeze makes the temp feel like 50 F. Walkers are wearing sweaters or light coats.

CBS Sunday Morning as usual. The rain let up here after about 11 a.m. TV news show it is still falling north and south of us. Weather is a big deal down here. They track it for cities by the minute.

A Hitchcock B/W:Movie Marathon was on the agenda today. It started with a 1941 Hitchcock B/W Classic: "Suspicion" starring  Cary Grant, Joan Fontaine and Cedric Hardwick followed by "Young and Innocent" (1937). Next up was "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (1934) in B/W and  "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (1956) in colour. Both with the same title, similar (but different) storylines and both directed by Hitchcock.
Rain began again around 4 p.m. and continued slowly and steadily through the evening.

Our Movie viewing was interrupted for a short time around 6 p.m. We got to view a video from home that was sent by email. We watched our grandson, Martin, snowboarding down "Big Ben". (The Ski Hill not the Clock - grin).

Needless to say, the cold damp weather meant we had the heat on all day as we watched the videos.

That was about it for today!

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