Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Wed - 4 Feb/15

The prospect of rain so far has remained a little north of here. It will arrive later tonight and be heaviest in the morning.

Despite no rain we decided to continue to rest and store our energy for the few hours it will take to visit all the craft booths at the Mt. Dora Art Show this weekend.

We slept in and made French Toast w/Bacon and Syrup for brunch. I cooked the bacon.

When that was done Charlotte prepared the French Toast and I was in charge of cooking using our Induction unit and cookware.

Mmmm Good!

The afternoon was spent watching TV and/or Movies from our collection. Today's movie was the classic Casablanca. Nearly 200 of our movies are Black & White. We like movies without swearing, nudity and endless carnage. We prefer believable characters and a good plot with dialogue.

The downside of TV is that we can't help but watch the local news. We are always surprised by the continuing variations of how the daily robberies, murders, hit and runs, road rage, etc. are committed. The latest road rage ended up with a man being arrested after he put his gun to a woman's temple and said, "Bang, Bang!" Thankfully, he just made the noise and didn't pull the trigger. Another man was not so lucky and was shot in another case of road rage.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Anything can happen anywhere and at anytime, Usually gunshots are ignored in high risk neighbourhoods because no one wants to be involved for fear of reprisal. Even an argument at a Super Bowl party ended in murder; however, in this case the community led police to the suspect.

We were astounded to find out that at least once a month a teacher is arrested just in this area (Greater Orlando) for having an affair with an under aged student. Cops are charged for major crimes on a weekly basis giving the majority of their brethren a bad name. It is hard to know who to trust.

Florida's liberal gun laws mean they can be easily purchased "just down the street" or even at a Flea Market. Gun Shows are immensely popular. Even Pastors "pack"! Last week a pastor had to pull out his gun and shoot a parishioner after being shot at (3 rounds) in the rectory. We were surprised the first time we saw the Sunday Mass Collection receive an armed escort down the aisle.

"Dumb Criminal" stories are a daily occurrence. Many are apprehended because of the high number of security cameras everywhere that result in the suspect's picture airing on the local news. Yesterday's video resulted in the criminal's mother turning him in to the police. Now that's "Tough Love!".

The latest in the weekly "I didn't know it was loaded" shooting occurred when a teen was showing his friend his AK-47. Let this be a lesson to all teens - make sure your AK-47 is unloaded when showing it to friends. Last week, friends, a little "high" on drink and drugs, were re-enacting a video when the acting became reality resulting in one dead best friend.

Thankfully we have not been involved or witness to anything other than vehicle accidents.

This has been a little "Slice of Life" from Central Florida. Stay tuned for updates.

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