Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wed - 11 Feb/15

We are in for about a week with a good deal of sunshine; but the temperature will be below normal for this time of year. A big cold front is coming in lowering highs to the mid-60's F and nights dipping as low as the mid-30's F because of the clear skies.

Charlotte was off to crafts this morning with her sewing machine.

She returned just before noon with dozens of triangles she had sewn into quilt squares. Enough to make a 5' x 5' quilt.

I had "Round 2" of the Shepherd's Pie pre-warmed for lunch.

The cool temps really did keep us inside today. We really did rest between odd jobs and watching TV.

Charlotte ironed all the squares in preparation for cutting them into perfect  5.25" x 5.25 "squares while I worked on improving my computer program database design.

Still watching (more like listening) to TV during the evening.we spent nearly 3 hours working together to mark and cut the squares. I am sure it would have taken Charlotte a good deal longer without my expert assistance - Right! (grin).

I think we will be putting an extra blanket on the bed for this evenings deep chill!

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