Sunday, February 08, 2015

Sun - 8 Feb/15

An even nicer day today. Mostly sunny and mid-70's F.

Our usual CBS Sunday Morning on TV until 10:30 a.m. Then it was a hockey fix - Chicago at St. Louis .

Every once in a while the "neighbours" stroll through our yard. Their almost slow motion gait is so elegant. By the time I spot them and get the camera they are usually across the road and part way down the street.

After lunch we decide to go to the Marion Flea Market. We always find something we didn't know we needed. I bought the last two of these units that they had in stock. They are like storage crates on wheels. The handle  slides down and the container folds flat making the unit the size of a portable computer when collapsed. They are now residing in the trunk of the Del Sol.

Charlotte found a whole selection of Boyds Resin Bearstones. She managed to find seven that she liked and didn't have in her collection. We made a successful offer and added them to her collection. The price of all seven equalled the price of one if purchased in a store. Ironically, we had to come to Florida to find one that was a Canadian Exclusive. While looking up the information on-line I saw a similar one for sale for $100.00. Antiques Roadshow, here we come! (grin).

The weather was top-off nice. Actually, even all the windows were down, as well. We decided to go for a "Half Time - Anywhere Trip" after the Flea Market. This is a trip where we decide when we want to be back home. We drive until we use up half the time, then turn around and head back. The "Anywhere" part of the trip means we just head down the back roads until we reach a crossroad. Then we randomly turn this way, or that. We continue and repeat until "Half Time". Even if we don't know where we are we just turn on the GPS and follow it's directions back home.

The roads were very quiet except for the two police cars that passed us at an extremely high rate of speed going in the opposite direction. Several other police cars also passed at varying intervals shortly thereafter. The time that this occurred appears to coincide with an incident that aired on the evening news.

Two deputies were injured and one suspect was killed following a shooting in a Publix parking lot. Deputies were there to enforce a court ordered domestic injunction.The suspect opened fire when he spotted the deputies. They returned fire killing the suspect.

The deputies suffered non-life-threatening injuries. One was grazed by a bullet and the other had glass fragments in his eye due to the rear window of their cruiser being shot out. Shootings occur in very public places down here every few days. At least it wasn't at the Publix we had stopped at today!

We were so relaxed when we arrived back at the RV we decided to skip Trivia in the OMS main clubhouse tonight and just continue to relax. It will be a quiet TV evening instead.

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