Thursday, February 05, 2015

Thu - 5 Feb/15

Rain throughout the night until mid-morning.

Cold, cloudy, dark, dull and little chance of rain with the sun starting to peak through by late afternoon. Sunshine arrived by 2 p.m. We might actually get over 60 F by 4 p.m.

Starting Friday the will be a few days of sunshine in a row. No "Yo-Yo" weather, at least until next week.

We will skip the Eustis Farm Market today. It is still too cool and there is nothing particular we need today. Even needed the RV Fireplace on for a bit to take the dampness out of the air.

The Wi-Fi was fairly good today. I took advantage to get needed updates for the computer. I was even able to update my iPhone.

I also used the time to work on streamlining the data program I am designing while we watched TV and Movies.

The regular Jeopardy and TV evening to round out the day.

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