Monday, February 09, 2015

Mon - 9 Feb/15

Today is back to cool with rain starting in the afternoon.

We relaxed in the morning in the RV. After lunch Charlotte took her sewing machine to the craft room using the car. Even though the sewing machine has it's own wheeled carrier, walking it home will not be an option due to the upcoming rain.

While Charlotte was at crafts I did a few small routine tasks around the RV. In addition I repaired the button on the toaster that loads the bread and starts it when depressed. Krazy glue and Silver duct tape - the handyman's cure for everything. It feels fine, works well and doesn't look all that bad.

The craft project for today was making a "Wine Vest". She did a really good job!

The "Wine Vest" is designed to fit on the neck of Wine Bottle. It can be used as an addition to a gift or as a bottle identifier (much like a glass identifier) at large parties where many folks may come with the same brand of bubbly. Heaven forbid someone should pilfer someone else's Vino!

Bonus: The "Wine Vest" is reversible...Cute!

Just after Charlotte returned to the RV the rain started. Slowly at first, then at a steady pace. Over an inch is expected by tomorrow.

That meant it would be a relaxing TV evening that will start, as usual, with Jeopardy.

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