Monday, February 02, 2015

Mon - 2 Feb/15

Happy Groundhog (Marmota Monax) Day.

I don't think the folks in the Northeast give a hoot that Punxsutawney (PA) Phil (USA) saw his shadow predicting 6 more weeks of winter or that a conflicting viewpoint came from Canada.

Wiarton (ON) Willie (Canada). who did not see his shadow, predicts an early spring. All becomes irrelevant when shovelling out of near record snowfalls in near record cold.

Here it is near 70 F and raining heavily (mid-morning). At least you don't have to shovel rain (grin). The puddles disappeared quickly into the sandy soil once the downpour subsided.

The Craft for today in the Multi-purpose Room was Handcrafted Cards led by Sandy Lewis of Sandra Lewis Designs of Eustis, FL. Several tables were occupied by groups of different sizes. All were having a great time. Charlotte always enjoys this craft session.

There were 3 designs for today with the main theme being "Valentine's Day".

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Class cost includes all the required materials are supplied along with individual assistance if required. All this at a more than reasonable price. No wonder these sessions are so popular!

It was clear and sunny by 2 p.m. in typical Florida style.

Our Post Office Box had the monthly calendar along with a notification that despite being a "Gated Community" it is impossible to completely eliminated intruders. A few bicycles as well as some beer from outside refrigerators had been stolen recently in the more remotely located area of the park.

Although we are in a much quieter area and do not have the daily murder, cop/criminal shooting, hit-and-run, vehicle hitting buildings, road rage incident, child molestation or gang rape like the Greater Orlando area; it is still Florida and we are still vulnerable and must be alert. This is the first incident we are aware of in the past 3 years. I believe motion sensors have been installed in the most remote storage areas for additional security.

Late afternoon we were off to Publix to re-supply the cupboards. Then it was Wendy's for supper.

The remainder of the day was movies from our collection then the usual TV evening starting with Jeopardy and Family Feud.

P.S. As predicted the Wi-Fi  performance.appears to be improved over the past few days

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