Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Tue - 3 Feb/15

I just realized the blog was posting using Arizona Time. I have just changed it to the Eastern Time Zone in which I am currently writing (Florida, USA).

The "Yo-Yo" weather pattern continues until the weekend.

It was in the 40's F last night. Partly sunny and the low 60's F today.We are getting the cold from the north via the Jetstream dropping lower into Florida. It will be cold again tonight. Tomorrow will warm up with rain in the evening which will get quite heavy through Thursday afternoon, The good news is that it will be sunny and warm by the weekend, Just in time for the Mt. Dora Art Show that will cover most of the downtown street with hundreds of vendor's tents.

Today is "Nothing Tuesday!" This is the day of the week in which there are no park activities in which we wish to participate. Usually we would go for a ride somewhere; however, the cold has discouraged us from an excursion.

Being retired means everyday is Saturday. Tuesday is the new Saturday. The cold weather makes it a good day to do nothing and "recharge our batteries".

The "Local News" on TV is always an event. Live TV reports are really big down here. Today car thieves "bailed" when they thought the news chopper was the police. The news team noticed and followed while informing police. They got the "Scoop" as well as being the reason there was an arrest.

Rare events back home are daily occurrences here (Greater Orlando area), however, there are always new twists. A recent "Road Rage" episode occurred when a driver, on being asked to slow down by a group of horse riders on a rural road, turned around and proceed to use their SUV to hit and injure a rider and kill their horse.

Otherwise it is a typical Tuesday TV evening starting with Jeopardy and finishing the night on CBS with NCIS, NCIS NOLA (New Orleans) and Person of Interest.

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