Monday, December 22, 2014

Mon - 22 Dec/14

The light rain turned into almost 2 inches as it poured steadily through the night. This was a mixed blessing. I grew up with a tin roof on the back porch beneath my bedroom window. When the rain came in like little kitten feet dancing on the RV roof I was asleep in no time.

It usually does the same for Charlotte; however, last night it was the opposite. She even put in ear plugs that we had in the RV. We purchased blindfolds and earplugs after our first night on the month long train trip around the USA and Canada to help us sleep. The continuous "Clickety-Clack" kept us awake most of the first night. Despite the earplugs there was no immediate success for Charlotte; however she did eventually nod off after a few hours.

Despite yesterday being the first day of Winter today was another "Spring Cleaning" day. Today's project was cleaning and organizing the cupboard under the kitchen sink.

An hour later it was all cleaned and packed back in place. Thankfully, the 2 slideouts (garbage container and storage tray) I installed makes access much easier.

Next project up was attaching the Steering Wheel Table. Once the tablecloth was in place the RV looked a little more like a home and less like a vehicle. The Fireplace Heater that doubles as a printer stand also adds to the ambience. We do not need the heat yet (low 80's F yesterday); however we find the "Flames" relaxing in the evening.

It has not rained since the early morning. The is sun peeking occasionally through the clouds. The sandy soil has soaked up the few inches of rain that fell overnight; however the humidity level is quite high. Thunderstorms are predicted for today and tomorrow.

We had a light lunch in the RV during the noon hour then Charlotte headed off to crafts. It was a good thing she stopped to talk to Jean on the way. Workers had just arrived at the usual craft room to announce they would be painting. The crafters all had to leave. Today the session would be held in the main clubhouse.

I walked with Charlotte as I was going to the office. Charlotte continued on to the clubhouse with Jean and I entered the office. The staff are so friendly and helpful at Olde Mill Stream. It only took a few moments to pickup and pay for what I needed from Sherri at the front desk.

This year I decided to be lazy! My mission to the office was to purchase a remote control to use for access at the security gate. The Del Sol is so low that I can barely reach the keypad to enter the code from the driver's seat even after I unfasten my seatbelt. This will make life easier.

While Charlotte was at crafts I did other odd jobs around the RV. I installed a triangular "Propane" sign on the compartment door were the large tank is located. By law (Ontario) a similar sign is on the right rear of the RV. Bill's Rule (#72) says that it would make more sense to have one where the tank is actually located.

I then replace the plastic handles on the Black (Toilet) and Grey (Sinks and Shower) Holding Tank Valves with the metal ones I purchased yesterday at Camping World. One of the original plastic handles had snapped with only a half remaining. I now felt more secure with the metal handles in place.

When at a park and hooked up to a sewer line the common (and best) practice is to level the Black Water valve closed and the Grey (Gray is the spelling if you're American) Water valve open. The Grey will always flow out easily as it is mostly liquid. The Black Water tank holds toilet waste which has a large amount of solid material. This tank empties much easier and more completely when the dump valve is not opened until it is almost full. This delay allows the waste to dissolve ensuring the sewer line does not get clogged. The extra weight provided by the large volume along with gravity aids in flushing the lines.

I have never used the more common accordion style dump hose since I started RVing 10 years ago. I use a SewerSolutions unit to dump. The clear plastic end connects onto the Dump pipe. The black rubber end plugs into the sewer line. The hose connector attaches to the park water line. A water pressure jet breaks up any solids and adds liquid to the waste flushing it through the hose line into the sewer. When the waste has emptied the water also cleans the smooth interior of the hose line out completely. The traditional accordion style hoses do not rinse as clean as the folds tend to accumulate waste. This accumulation adds "odour" to the RV - especially in hot weather.

To facilitate the flushing activity I use a 4 valve Gilmour (metal) water distribution unit to connect the SewerSolution (Flush line); City (RV water line); Wash line (hose for RV/Car washing) and the Black Water Rinser line. The Black Water Rinser is a water pressure rotating rinser inside the Black Water tank that flushes waste from the tank sides and bottom when activated. The Gilmour unit allows for all of these lines to remain connected permanently. All I have to do when I arrive at a park is connect a hose to the water supply and I am in business. No fuss - no muss! This makes setting up quick and easy.

There are still a few more "Spring Cleaning" chores to do; however that is enough for today. After all, we are retired!

Charlotte returned after a few hours with the craft group. Mostly the same folks as last year. The project for today was a crocheted water bottle holder. Charlotte made one in baby blue.

We decided to close up the RV and turn on the A/C because of the high temp (80 + F) and humidity. A few of our neighbours had already done the same in their units.

Charlotte fried sliced mushrooms and made Cream of Mushroom Soup for supper. MMMM Good!

The Evening News reminded us that we are in Florida not back home. Virtually every day there is a story of someone being murdered. Thankfully, out of our area, there is also usually an accident that has traffic backed up for miles. Not a fun drive for those visiting the Orlando area attractions or trying to just get home. An auto hitting a house usually happens somewhere nearby on a weekly basis. The only good news is that AAA predicts gas prices may go below $2 a gallon by the day after Christmas.

Jeopardy, as usual, at 7 p.m. signals that it is time for me to do the blog as we watch our usual programs.

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