Monday, December 29, 2014

Mon - 29 Dec/14

Sunshine first thing this morning - not as much humidity today to cause fog. Things should be more comfortable today. I used to think "Dry Heat" was a joke until we went to Arizona. Even when it was 100 F we still did not turn on the A/C as we are totally comfortable with the 4 % humidity (compared to 97% here yesterday). Today we hit a record high of 84 F (10 F above the norm).

First task today was to go to the office and get the remote control for the security entrance checked out. It did not work when I first tried the unit. I thought it may have been the battery so I replaced it. On the next try it still did not work. My thought was that it may still have last year's gate code. It only took a few seconds for Julie, one of the great office staff at the park, to check and correct the code switches. A quick test and it was good to go. We can't say enough about the service we have received from the over 2 dozen excellent (and friendly) park staff at Olde Mill Stream RV Resort. Wally and Linda (park manager team) have certainly picked the "cream of the crop". This is just one of the reasons we usually choose privately owned over corporate parks.

The office often has a few humourous items posted. Today the differences between Florida and the "North" were explained as well as a short poem.

We enjoyed BLT's for lunch made with the fresh produce we picked up at the flea market and Publix yesterday.

After lunch I drove Charlotte to the craft building. Barb, our next door neighbour, does a fine job co-ordinating theses activities. It is located just a few blocks away. Charlotte wanted to walk; however, I was going to check the mail at the park Post Office right next door to the craft room, so she came along for the ride. She will get her wish (to walk) when the craft session is over.

At the P.O. Pickup Station there are banks of P.O. Boxes on each side. They fly a flag to let all know the mail has arrived and has been sorted. When I opened our mail box a gust of wind blew one of the items back inside the building. Luckily, today's mail was just being sorted and I was able to have the item retrieved. The mail today contained a monthly schedule, a list of upcoming activities and a nice Christmas Card signed by all the park staff.

Back at the RV I downloaded several App updates for my iPhone. I also put my Lucinda Lewis "Roadside America" sign collection photos on the iPhone so I would remember which ones a had and which ones I needed. There are a number of shots of Vintage Autos (60's) in front of the same Diner (Rosie's). It is good to have access to jog my memory so I can avoid buying a duplicate.

Charlotte returned about 2 hours later. She had almost completed her project. She was crocheting a holder for a small (500 ml) water bottle. She just has to decide how long to make the strap section. Nice Job!

It is now time to settle in for Jeopardy.

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