Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sun - 28 Dec/14

Extremely foggy this morning. The more the temp drops at night the more the night time humidity increases. It is almost a 1 to 1 relationship (unscientific, of course). The drop in temp last night was about 20 F. Humidity went up from 76% to 97%. We are glad we left the A/C on just to keep the humidity low in the RV. The fog should burn off by mid-morning.

We watched CBS Sunday Morning, as usual, until 10:30 a.m. It was especially poignant in it's remembrance of the world's important people who passed on this year.

It's Sunday. It's Florida. There's a Flea Market open somewhere. Time to get our daily exercise - walking past the hundreds of booths. Our choice today is one of the premier area choices: Renningers Farmers and Flea Market in Mt. Dora.

We exercise more than just our legs at the flea market. We also do gripping and bicep flexing routines. Our usual first stop is Knockout Mini Donuts.

This involves a 5 step exercise routine:

     1. Grip the mini donut between fingers and thumb.
     2. Stress the biceps as you raise the donut to the mouth.
     2. Open the mouth.
     4. Insert.the donut.
     5. Chew.

Repeat for a dozen reps.More if you buy the bucket.

Finally, I found the leather change purses I had been seeking. The type I like flex open when squeezed and snap shut when released. I like this style more than the zipper or snap type. Our current change purses are full of Canadian coins, so I purchased a beige for Charlotte (matches her purse) and a black for myself. These are good for finger exercises as you flex them open and closed when paying for purchases.

Next up are finger flips. The best venue for this at Renningers is Ruckerts due to their large selection collectable metal signs. This form of exercise is utilized when searching through individual signs. It is often performed in combination with bends (over table height storage boxes) or squats (boxes at floor level). It can be performed using all the 4 fingers of one hand; however the preferred method is to flip each individual sign rapidly with the index finger. When a sign of interest is spotted the exercise changes to one of clenching and raising the piece for more intensive viewing. This may be performed using a one or two handed lift.

Bonus: I found a Lucinda Lewis sign to add to my Roadside America collection.

Additional exercise is performed by carrying purchases for the duration of the shopping excursion. Generally, the purchase of fruits and vegetables, often by the pound, intensifies this exercise.

Looking up and down at various levels provides plenty of neck and head turning exercises.

One booth in particular brought back memories and a realization that exercises may be done with many variations. This booth sold "corn on the cob". Although the basic exercise is the same; there are a variety of techniques employed.

Up north (Canada) the most common exercise technique requires a back and forth motion with one hand (applying butter) while holding the cob with the other. Next, an up and down (shaking) motion is used while holding the cob in one hand, in combination with a back and forth motion (applying salt which adheres to the buttered on the cob). Finally, both ends of the cob are held by the fingers which are used to rotate the cob while a chewing motion separates the corn and added condiments from the cob.

At this stage either of two techniques may be employed with the same result. One is to move the cob (while chewing) from end to end in the mouth. The other (equally acceptable) method is to move the head along the length of the cob while chewing. Reaching the end, by either method, then requires the cob to be rotated and the technique is repeated until all corn has been removed.

Up north, folks usually perform this exercise at seasonal events. Corn Fests usually coincide with the yearly harvest in August. Down south this is a year round activity because of the multiple growing seasons. Exercising of the taste buds associated with this technique can be done in a variety of ways. While travelling in Mexico with our good friends, Diane and Alberto, we learned to go beyond just salt and butter to mayo, salsa and mild to hot sauces. Who Knew!

Our final fitness venue was in many ways similar. We stopped at Publix to stock up on a few needed items. Here there were also aisles to walk and items to lift and lower and lift. In addition we had to push (a cart). Again and again the items were lifted (in and out of the basket), onto the conveyor, back into the cart, out of the cart, into the trunk, out of the trunk, into the RV and finally into the refrigerator or the cupboards. Whew! We were exhausted!

Charlotte popped 2 Marie Callender Turkey Pot Pies (Mmm) into the microwave for supper after which we settled in to watch TV for the evening.

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