Thursday, December 25, 2014

Thu - 25 Dec/14


Charlotte and I wish one  and all the Best in the New Year.

Needless to say there is no snow here. The temperature did drop to the low 60's F with the cold front that came in after yesterday's stormy weather. No chance of rain today although it is overcast at this time (morning).

First task today was to phone and wish both our girls (and their families) back home a Merry Christmas. No White Christmas back home either. It is raining there today and way colder. This is our first Christmas away; however we did have a Christmas celebration before we left to come south. Charlotte called her sister next with Christmas Wishes. The weather (rain) was similar at her home in Ottawa.

It smells so good in the RV this morning. Charlotte is preparing our part of the "Pot Luck" Christmas Dinner that will held be in the Main Clubhouse at 1 p.m. Olde Mill Stream RV Resort provides the ham, gravy, buns and mashed potatoes with the remainder of the meal being "Pot Luck" dishes from the participants. Charlotte thought the dinner would be turkey so our contribution is a huge turkey pan full of stuffing.

I had to light the pilot light for the gas oven which would be used to keep the stuffing warm until it was time to go to the dinner. We left at 12:30 p.m.

Rule # 23: At an RV Park Event; being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late.

Charlotte added her "Stuffing" to the already full "Pot Luck" table. (See what I mean about being a half hour early!)

Another requirement of a"Pot Luck" style meal is that you bring your own plates, cutlery and beverages, Grace was said to bless the meal and other announcements were made. Each table is numbered and luck had our group up after just a few draws. Needless to say there were a large variety of delicious food items and desserts from which to choose.

We had the pleasure of sitting with two couples we had not met before. Tim and Phyllis (from Kentucky) have been in the park for the past 4 years. Harry and Becky (Ontario) are here for there first stay at the park. The wonderful thing about any RV Park festivity is the great folks that you meet at the event. This was no exception.

We returned to the RV... "Happily Stuffed". The remainder of the afternoon, although a little on the cool side, was filled with sunshine.

No other plans for today.

"Merry Christmas"

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