Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sat - 27 Dec/14

First job today - Phone and wish our daughter Kat a Happy Birthday. Being a manager of a store, unfortunately meant she had to work on her birthday.

This is an odd job day. The RV automatically levels when being set up, however it has now had time to settle on the levelling legs. The sandy soil means it will compact to some degree over time. It was now due to be re-leveled.

RV Combo Propane/Electric refrigerators are very sensitive to being "out-of-level". A few degrees can make it much less efficient. Having been leveled (in both directions) it now maintains the same temperature setting at 4 as it did previously on the max (9).

Job 2: Repair a small corner section of arborite trim on the bedroom "End Table" that had come loose. Contact Cement is the glue of choice. Glue is applied to both surfaces that are being joined and left to "Dry". This usually takes about 15 minutes. Surfaces must be joined within an hour. Alignment is critical as contact cement guess it - on contact. Applied pressure combines the glue on both surfaces which strengthens the adhesion. This is often done using a hammer and block of wood. A "good whack" usually does the job. A special surface roller may also be used to apply sufficient pressure. No room to swing a hammer here.

I applied as much pressure as I could when joining the surfaces then used duct tape to keep the surfaces tight. I will remove the tape tomorrow.

Next up was a quick reorganization of the "Reading Room" (bathroom) cupboard. No matter how well we pack things still move around when travelling. Good thing I did this task today. I noticed the TP (Toilet Paper) needed re-stocking from our outside storage compartment supply.

Charlotte had previously done a great job of straightening out the medicine cabinet on the sink side of the bathroom. The smaller items stored there really get jostled around as the RV "goes down the road". I noticed a screw had worked loose in the shelf support rail. Most items had to come off the shelf to make the repair. After securing the rail I had to set everything back.

Today was also time to fill our daily medical containers. We use three 7 day containers so we only have to do this chore once every 3 weeks. It does take an hour each to count out the meds.

Another chore that I do about once a year is replace all the batteries in the devices around the RV. I use remote thermometers to keep track of the temperature of the refrigerator; the freezer, the interior temperature and the exterior temperature, I have 2 ckocks that not only display the time, day and date; they cycle through 3 temp sensors each. I can tell at a glance from the kitchen or bedroom the temperature reading from each of the sensors. Two hours and a few dozen batteries later (replacement included several flashlights) all were set for another year.

It is hard to believe we turned on the "Fireplace" yesterday evening as it cooled to the 50's F. Today it is in the low 80's - that's a 30 degree change. Sunshine on  the RV's surface increases the interior heat above the outside temp. At home they are talking "Wind Chill" - here the "Humidex" reading due to high humidity making almost like 90 F.

We decided not to turn on the A/C until after our shower so we would not be cold on exit. By the time we realized the dance this evening was an informal affair starting at 6 p.m. we were already late for the start.

We decided to turn on the A/C and "Chill Out" (grin) for the rest of the evening.

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