Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wed - 17 Dec/14

Today we installed the front and side window sun shields. The black mesh reduces the interior heat as well as providing privacy without having to draw the curtains. We can see out but seeing in is limited even when the interior lights are on.

Cleaning the windows was much easier than it would have been had we not put the vehicles through the truck wash.

Charlotte was a great help passing me the paper towels and the window spray as needed.

It took a few hours to get the computer set up (I think the printer will need a little dusting). My wi-fi would connect; however, the booster would not. It took a few tries to get it to recognize the booster. Now I am able to connect  - as they say - with all the "bars" rather than a few. As wi-fi connections Nevertheless it will be slow at times with the volume of users in the park. This is a major problem in RV parks as every computer, smart phone, iPad, iPhone and wi-fi device are all asking for a "piece of the pie" when they are on - even if not being used.

Mid-afternoon Charlotte noticed a pair of blue herons as they walked by the RV door. They then walked across the road with an almost slow motion pace. They are often seen by the lake that borders the RV park; but they usually don't come throught he middle of the park.

Charlotte made Habitant pea soup with buttered bread (for dipping). Yum.

I then completed the blog from when we departed home until today. After I notify everyone that the blog "is up" we will take it easy watching TV for the rest of the evening. I have a feeling we will be going to sleep early. It is all starting to catch up with us.

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