Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Wed - 9 Apr/14

Sun again today - low 70'sF. Sunshine all week and rising to high 80's F by the end of the week.

Taking it easy until we hear about the status of the Del Sol.

Charlotte has completed 2 baby bonnets and the 3rd is almost finished since we have been without the car.

I have made some design improvements in my FileDrawer database design. This was a time consuming task I had been avoiding for a while. Now, without the car and since the park activities have scaled back (a usual event for most parks in April), I had several hours to concentrate on the work.

I am now adding extra details to the restaurants - 20 done - 1646 more to go! Eventually I will do the same for all the other category items (RV Parks, Fuel Stops, Attractions, etc.

A knock on the RV door this morning, Park staff showed up with a bill for the remainder of the month (until April 15). I talked to the office last week and made arrangements to pay on departure - I thought it would be easier that way. (They already have a month's deposit for next year - it is not like I would be skipping out on them) As different "Work Campers" (they trade RV Park work for free site, etc.) rotate through the office - things change. There is a certain lack of communication that always exists in an RV Park.

I went over to the office and payed this afternoon. They said I could have waited - they are supposed to write those details (like when leaving, etc.) in a book at the office; however, they forgot.

Blount Honda phoned and the car will need a little more time to dry. Like mentioned previously - many garages do not have furnaces so it takes a little longer for paint to dry. Back home they have heat lamp arrays to dry the paint. Ow well! It should be ready by tomorrow afternoon.

Lunch was Round 2 of the Spanish Rice. There is enough left for another meal - it sure goes far.

At least we have the local news on TV - you can't write this stuff! At least once a week someone is shot (oops - that's daily - along with armed robberies); a body is found; there is a murder trial; someone drives into a building or a hit and run occurs. Today a 2 for 1: a hit and run veered a car into a building. The car that was hit crashed into a daycare: 15 children injured, 1 dead; 4 on advanced life support. A "BOLO" (Be on the lookout) was issued by the police for the hit and run SUV . A TV request  (w/picture of the  type of auto) for citizen help.

In less than 2 hours the SUV was located - empty! It was abandoned and the driver was picked up by another car. They released the name of a "Person of Interest".

Another TV evening. Gee, it's almost like being at home!

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