Monday, April 28, 2014

Mon - 28 Apr/14

We have arrived home safely on Sunday afternoon. Internet was supposed to be back on by then - it wasn't. Finally it is on by noon today.

The next blog will be up when we travel in the summer (probably the beginning of July at the earliest.)

I don't do blogs for local camping - just trips at a distance.

Thanks for following the blog. Hope it has brought insight into things to visit when you travel.



This picture is showing the Tornado damage in Tupelo, MS - 5 miles from the Elvis Museum.

I am really glad that I changed my coming home plans and route. If I had followed the original thoughts to go to New Orleans then follow the Natchez Trace route coming home with a stop at Tupelo, MS to visit the Elvis Museum and birthplace again this would have put us right in the severe Tornado storm path. Even coming home from the south on I-95 would have put us in the severe weather path along I-95 if we had waited until the end of the month to return. It pays to check the weather forecasts!

Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were in the storm path.

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