Friday, April 18, 2014

Thu - 17 Apr/14

The Cold Spell is over. 20 F warmer this morning than yesterday. It is now a Cool Spell. The week will have off and on showers and thunderstorms and temps will be  in the 70's F.

Isolated showers possible from noon on - thunderstorms are predicted for around supper time today. Guess What? None of this happened despite some threatening looking clouds.

Being in "Home Mode" training I find I have to consult the clock more often. Right!- today is Thursday (Red Arrow). Thankfully, our daughter (Kat), gave me this (Christmas Gift) to keep me "Up to Day" (grin).

Liz, our other daughter, also keeps me "Calendar Wise" with her Christmas Gift to moi. It has a place of reverence in the "Reading Room" making it readily for daily consultation.

Notice a theme here? I think they suspect I may have "Old Timer's Disease" (something like Alzheimer's) whereby one forgets what day it is.

First stop today was the Umatilla Inn and Restaurant for breakfast. It is only a few moments down the road, on the right, past the first stoplight from the RV Park in Umatilla, FL.

We shared the Corned Beef Hash and the Biscuits w/Sausage Gravy for breakfast - yummy! Great breakfast for a reasonable price.

Being Thursday, this will be our last chance to go to the Lake County Farmers Market in Eustis, FL. (about a 10 minute ride away).

Today must be the "Meet Folks from the RV Park who we thought had left" Day.

First, at the restaurant, we met nice OMS Winter Staff folks who help man the office and keep the park running smoothly. We thought they had departed when their trailer spot (at the entrance) became empty and then was replaced with a "Park Model" trailer. They will still be at the park for a few days. They had just moved sites to allow the "Summer Staff" to move to the entrance site.

Then, at the Farmers Market, we met another park staffer (Carol) who co-ordinated craft sessions. She was waiting for her husband who went off in search of something elsewhere in the market. We thought they had left too; however, they will also still be here for another few days.

The parking at the Farmers Market was much easier today with so many Snowbirds having departed the RV parks in order to be home for Easter.

That made it a good day for bargains. Charlotte found some items she wanted at a good price.

I bought 6 hats of various styles for about the cost that just one would have been at the start of the season.

We then returned to the RV - you know - in "Home Mode" training. We will rest this afternoon.

While in  "Home Mode - Rest Training" Charlotte did some more baby bonnet crocheting. I add "Sam's Club" info (i.e. added gas bar "Open" times, etc.) to my computer maps and FileDrawer database program.

After resting we headed to Mt. Dora at 5:00 pm for supper. The 3rd Thursday of the month is "Food Truck" night. Food trucks arrive and set up from 5:30 - 8 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce parking lot.

The square next to the Chamber is set up with tables and chairs and live entertainment is provided.

There were several trucks offering a wide variety of cuisines.

Mayan Style




and Greek - to mention a few. The decision was not easy.

We finally decided on the Bem Bom Food Truck. We used the highest scientific and gastronomic principles available: It had the longest line.(grin)

The food is Portuguese (Brazilian) in origin.

Our Order:

Main Meal: The Truffle Mushroom Quesadilla: Portabello and Shitake mushrooms, white truffle oil, laid in shredded Monterey Jack cheese and lime cream.

It was excellent! No wonder the Bem Bom Food Truck won the People's Choice Award for the Best Food Truck in Orlando, FL. (Heard that fact while I was in line - it's true!)

To Drink: Guarana Antarctica.

Guaraná Antartica is a guaraná-flavoured soft drink, originating in Brazil. It was created in 1921. The drink is produced in only three countries (Portugal, Brazil, and Japan). It is the second best-selling soft drink brand in Brazil, behind only Coca-Cola. Currently, it is one of the 15 best-selling soft drink brands in the world. It is the most popular guaraná-flavoured soft drink in Brazil. The guaraná berry (tree) plantations are in the Amazon region. Being high in caffeine, the drink has made inroads in the U.S. as a result of the energy drinks craze. The taste is mild, slightly apple-like, with a distinct berry after-flavour. Several websites sell guaraná to Americans. Guaraná Antarctica is by far the most popular form of the drink.

Dessert: was Nata: A Portugeuse Egg Custard pastry (created & made by Catholic Monks since the 18th century).

After this neat meal experience we headed to The Villages (Sumter Landing) for what may be our last visit this season.

We stopped at Izod on our way to the Square. Charlotte found another nice top and shorts combo.

The square was really packed. The Easter Kids (visiting grandparents) had arrived and they were all up dancing to the music.

We made the rounds of the vendors that were around the square for market night. This time we went in the reverse direction of our last market night visit. We did not want it to seem the same as last time.

Finished the evening listening to the band from the patio of Johnny Rockets as we indulged in a late night snack (Strawberry Milkshakes and Bacon-Cheese Fries. Shame on us!

We let the hundreds of Golf Karts (Ooop! - Golf Cars is the terminology in The Villages) depart before we made the usual quiet, easy ride back to the RV Park.

"Home Mode" training isn't so bad when tempered with at least a few activities. (grin).

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