Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wed - 16 Apr/14

Cold Spell!

40's F through the night - mid-50's by noon and high in low 70's F today. That's over a 40 degree drop from yesterday's high to this morning's low. Otherwise, a nice sunny day (summer back home).

Working on "Home Mode" training isn't easy although we are having some success.

Step 1: We started by sleeping in today.

Lunch, an "off-shoot" of our Home Mode training, was a combination of leftover items: hot dogs (moi) and stir fry for Charlotte. We are trying to clean out the 'fridge before we head north.

Step 2: Mid-afternoon and we are still in our PJ's - OK, that part of the training was easy.

The RV Park may not look too empty; but, a lot of folks have headed out to be home for Easter. Sometimes it is hard to tell that they have left because they leave their "down here" vehicle or golf cart beside their RV. 

Clues that they have departed are that the entrance is covered, the slide-outs and awnings are in and the Hurricane Clamshell Awnings are down covering the windows. 

Every once in a while Charlotte did some little organizational chore and then returned to watching TV while she crocheted another baby hat (for future donation).

I continue working on designing and adding to my travel database program. I made some design improvements - programming is really slow, time consuming process.

Afternoon is the hardest time when in "Home Mode" training - especially when it is a nice day outside. (That saying always puzzled me - how do you have a nice day inside?). We resisted the temptation to go for a ride - anywhere - just to get out! .....I'm going "Stir Crazy"......I can't take it anymore! ......It must be RV (Cabin) fever? 

It's OK - I'll be all right! (grin).

Charlotte made great chicken sandwiches for supper....mmm good!

Once we got past supper the training was easier. TV for the evening was OK! (grin)

Actually, the rest today did us good.

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