Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Wed - 2 Apr/14

Temps still going up - as is the humidity. It will be close to 90F today.

Another neighbour has headed home (to NJ). His Park Model trailer is sealed up until next year. This is the "Flip-Flop" time of year in RV parks. Some folks that have been here since October/November are leaving to be home for Easter - especially those who do not live too far north. Other RVers who were further south are moving a little north for a few weeks - then they will leave for home or further north. We will join the latter group in a week or two. (Still thinking about where to go before the final move home at the end of April).

Today will be another "Easy" day. We are still a little bit tired from the past few busy days. The increase in temp has slowed or ability to recuperate. (I don't do well in heat and humidity).

I spent all day adding to my Travel Database Program that I am designing using Filemaker Pro. I wouldn't want to lose my job as "Tour Director" (grin). These are local area "things to do" additions. I still have to make a final decision on the path we will follow home.

This evening I received an e-mail from my friend Steve (Ottawa, ON). He sent me a link to an obituary of a C.C.V.S. Golden Raiders Football (Championship) team alumni who had just passed away. Dave lived in Harrisonburg, VA and on our quick trip home a few weeks back I had thought of giving him a call as we passed through. It was really late so I did not want to disturb and passed on making the call. I was sure I would see him at the tentative reunion this summer. I guess we are no longer young and invincible! Dave will be remembered fondly!

That's ending the day on a somber note.

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