Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Tue - 1 Apr/14

Wow! We slept in until 11 a.m.

The sun is so intense I needed gloves to take the top off of the Del Sol. Now I know why so many vehicles down here are white!

We went to Blount Honda (Body Shop) to make an appointment to get the other fender well on the Del Sol repaired. The paint is beginning to bubble at the rear wheel well. It is about the size of my thumb (to the first knuckle). Not big; but best taken care of as soon as possible. (I can't complain - after all - it is 19 years old). This is a repeat of the rust on the opposite (passenger) side. They did a great job on the driver's side (several weeks ago) that we are returning to get this side fixed. It will go in first thing Monday morning.

Yesterday was fine for having the top off  on the car. The light clouds kept the sun from being too intense. Today is on the verge of being uncomfortable when stopped for any length of time (at a light). Temps in the mid-80's F and no clouds in the sky make for a beautiful day; however, long stoplights are a no-no.

I was so tired from the long day yesterday that I could not even microwave a can of "Mini-Ravioli" for lunch. Eating out was now on the agenda. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! - grin).

Golden Corral was our lunch destination after Honda. I got a great shot of Charlotte returning from here 13th trip to the buffet.

APRIL FOOL! (another grin).

Actually it was only her 9th trip.

DEJA 2: That's like Deja Vu - April Fool - again!

After lunch we went around the corner on US-441 to Batteries Plus Bulbs. I needed a new rechargeable camera battery. I knew where it was; however, it required us to make a U-turn and return on the other side of the multi-lane highway. At the store they said the city (Mt. Dora) is requiring businesses to change to "Monument" Signs. They are called "Monument" because they are the height of the average grave (monument) stone. Virtually invisible behind the low landscaping.

Rant Alert: I wish they wouldn't require "Monument" signs for businesses. I don't know how many times we couldn't find a business because the signs could not be seen - even when we knew where they should be. My complaint is against the folks that complain about "Sign Pollution". Since when did an area zoned commercial become a rural landscape? They should keep their eyes on the road - not the business landscape! Give the folks a chance at making a living with their business. It also increases road distraction as folks (like us) from out of town try to find a business location as they drive.

Rant #2: I was honked at for stopping to allow a youth (walking his bike) to cross at a marked crosswalk. This is State Law. Maybe they should change the sign (grin - no wonder they call them "Cross" walks. I'd be angry too if I had to race to get to the other side safely. The person in such a hurry turned in less than 2 blocks. Must have been really important!

The remainder of the day was a "Rest Day" with tonight consumed by my favourite TV programs -  NCIS (both) and Person of Interest.

Oh! Oh! NCIS (Crescent City: Part II ) started with scenes of New Orleans - Boy did it get me itching for a return visit! We enjoy more each time we go!

They started the show with a "Jazz Funeral" where musicians play slow hymns and dirges as they proceed through the streets (of the French Quarter).

It remind me of when were were in the "Second Line" of a parade. A tour organization hired a band to escort the group from their hotel on Canal Street to Arnaud's. We had just parked our car in that hotel's parking lot and fell into line as they passed by. (I think it was a tour group from Germany). 

Those who follow the band just to enjoy the music are called the "second line." The second line's style of traditional dance is to walk (in rhythm - side to side) sometimes twirling a parasol or handkerchief in the air (called "second lining."), The parade had a female clown with an umbrella leading the band. This has been called "the quintessential New Orleans art form – a jazz funeral without a body." What a hoot!

As they turned "Right" right into Arnaud's - we turned "Left" and left! (r² l² - grin).

So many other classic visions of New Orleans. The next scene had the agents eating in "Mother's" and talking about "Debris". Mother's, traditionally, was often our first meal as we arrived in NOLA. To a New Orleanian, “debris” elicits thoughts of the mouth-watering tastes of morsels of meat and crusty char that fall from beef as it’s roasting, all of it coated in the meat’s rendered fat. This is the equivalent of  eating a sandwich made of nothing but fried chicken skin. It is unbelievably tasty!

Ah! Memories of the "drippings" running down my arm as I tried to devour the Roast Beef Sandwich with "Debris" and Gravy - sooo sloppy - and delicious! 

Maybe - on the way home - we will take a detour!

We needed the rest today. Not sure of what is on the agenda tomorrow - we will play it by ear!

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