Thursday, April 07, 2016

Thursday - 7 Apr/16

The steady rain during the night through to early morning meant sleeping in was easy - especially after all the fresh air we got yesterday.

By noon the weather cleared up completely making it a lovely day with nice cumulus clouds in the sky.

The RV Park is thinning out. Many folks who live not so far north have already departed. The park is probably down to 60% of capacity. Those who do not use their RV at home in the summer leave it either on-site or in storage at the park. Those with "Park Models" just close everything up and go.

Instead of the usual Egg McMuffs we had regular eggs and bacon for breakfast since I had picked up a bacon BOGO (Buy one - Get one Free) at Publix yesterday . We pigged out (pun intended - grin) and shared a whole pound of bacon (probably only a quarter pound by the time we rendered off the fat).

Charlotte checked out the material she bought yesterday to see if anything was needed for her project. She then start to lay out the pattern on the motorhome floor. Once the design was decided upon she began sewing the pieces together.

My "Otter" iPhone holder snapped it's clip. I guess it can only flex so many times before weakening and breaking. I tried "5 Second Fix" (As Seen On TV). It did bond; however; the problem was that because it is flexible it moved too much to keep the holder clipped into the slot. Back to the old standard - "Crazy Glue". I will let it "Cure" and see if it works.

I spent the rest of the afternoon checking our tentative plans for heading home. We will delay departure - at least a day, maybe more, due to the rash of tornados in the south and snow in the north. I cannot get a good fix on the weather forecast for the days and areas we will be travelling through on the way home. I should be able to get a better determination in a few days.

Supper was the half of the half a pizza we took home last night. Rather than use the microwave I used the convection feature to warm it up. Still tasty.

We have a new neighbour behind us - a similar (only 2 slideouts); but newer (and cleaner) Bounder from Vermont.

It was a good thing we rested today - we were tired from the past few active days. Just a Jeopardy (and regular TV) evening tonight.

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