Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday - 14 Apr/16

We were in not hurry so we slept in until 9 a.m. I went up to the office to pay for the 3 nights we will be staying here. I discovered that the park is separated from the golf course. Only golf cart roads connect both. I had to travel to the park exit, go down the highway and turn in the golf course entrance. This made it a mile rather than a block drive.

About 11:30 we headed out to Plains, GA. It was about a 20 minute drive from the RV Park. We are in for mostly scattered showers for our stay; however, we will be visiting museums which helps a little.

Our plans for today involved a trip to Plains, GA to visit the U.S. National Parks Service Jimmy Carter National Historic Site; however we decided to stop first for lunch.

On the first try I drove past the restaurant. I previously looked up places to eat and knew what the restaurant (Minnie's Diner) looked like.  The sign said "The Cafeteria" so I kept going down the street. When we passed Jimmy Carter's personal residence I knew we had gone too far. Since Jimmy and Rosalynn live at this residence in Plains, GA it is under the protection of the United States Secret Service and not open to the public. I turned around and backtracked. When I checked the address I realized I was right the first time. The restaurant just had a new name.

As we entered the restaurant the door was held for Charlotte and I by a Secret Service agent. I could see his "ear bud" and assumed he just came for lunch. I was wrong. He was "On Duty".

Technically, we had lunch with Jimmy (39th President of the USA) and former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter (grin). (They were just sitting at a different table in the restaurant.) There were 6 in their "official" party (including the Secret Service agents; but not us.)

Charlotte and I decided on the buffet which was a "Soul Food" treat. Charlotte chose baked chicken, salad, collard greens and lima beans. I decided on the breaded pork chop, mac and cheese collard greens and lima beans. All came with corn bread. We both had peach cobbler for dessert. The portions were large, the taste was great and the dessert was warm (a great way to end the meal).

Both Jimmy and Rosalynn stopped on the way out to talk and shake hands with locals. I was behind Jimmy (who certainly doesn't look to be 91 years young) as he paid the tab - for all 6 in the party. They all climbed into the usual big, black Chevy (not sure of the model - they used to be called "Suburbans".) and departed.

We had the pleasure of talking to Jody after our meal. It turns out that Jody is the new owner of the restaurant. (No wonder I didn't see the Minnie's Diner sign). The Carters have been regulars for lunch since she opened less than a week ago. Now if that isn't an endorsement for how good the food is - I don't know what is!

After leaving "The Cafeteria" we turned right at the next corner and arrived at the museum just a short distance down the street. It is housed in the former Plains High School which both Jimmy and Rosalynn attended.

There is an exact replica of Jimmy Carter's presidential desk where Billy (no, not Jimmy's brother - grin) is sitting. Replicas of his 2002 Noble Peace Prize, official White House portraits of both Jimmy and Rosalynn, several of Jimmy's paintings (including a self portrait) and other interesting memorabilia are spread throughout several (former) classrooms. The auditorium has been restored to replicate the era when the Carters attended the school.

The Carters returned to Plains in 1981. Jimmy still teaches Sunday School at the Maranatha Baptist Church a few times a month, helps build a house for Habitat For Humanity on a yearly basis and remains an active member of the community and, as we can verify, eats out locally on a regular basis.

After watching the excellent short video on his life both Charlotte and I had the same thought: Donald Trump doesn't come within a "Country Mile" of being the gentleman Jimmy Carter was (and is). We hope America comes to "It's Senses" - 'nuff said!

A stop at Walmart in Americus, GA on the way back to the motorhome. As usual we found what we needed and a few extras, as well. We crossed the road to Lowes as I wanted to seek out a way to hold the new slide out panty in place. I thought it would stay put yet sharp turns at speed had it sliding open. Unfortunately, the items I purchased are 1/10 of an inch too large and will not fit. I will seek either similar; but smaller items or another solution.

The rain that had let up returned heavier and steadier after supper. As usual, TV to end the day.

All in all, the day turned out to not only be interesting; but had an extra memorable experience we hadn't expected.

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