Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday - 10 Apr/16

CBS Sunday Morning as usual to start the day. Another nice day similar to yesterday with a few small clouds in the sky, a strong breeze and mid-70's F.

The task today is to rest in preparation for the trip home. Charlotte continued knitting (socks) and I worked on planning the trip home. We are tentatively departing this Wednesday with a 3 day stop at Brickyard Plantation RV Park in Americus, GA.

Our second (2 Day) stop is planned for Twin Lakes RV Park in Cumming, GA on Saturday and Sunday.

All, of course, can change depending on the weather changes.

With very little on TV we turned to our movie collection and decided on "The Package". Johnny Gallagher (Gene Hackman) is a sergeant guarding the peace negotiations (end of the cold war era) in Germany with his men. They get ambushed by a well organized group. He becomes the scapegoat. He is sent back to the USA with a prisoner, Sgt. Walter Henke, ("The Package" played by Tommy Lee Jones) who isn't who he is supposed to be. The (pretend) Henke is part of a plot by senior military personnel on both sides to kill a very high-ranking world figure in order to sabotage the arms control talks.. Henke escapes at the airport in the U.S. with the help of accomplices. Gallagher is framed for the murder of the real Henke's wife and is restricted to base arrest. He enlists the help of his wife (Joanna Cassidy) and old friends and soon others who get involved are killed off. A little bit of a stretch on reality; however, it was entertaining as are all Hackman movies.

Second up was another Hackman Movie - "Heist". Hackman plays the brilliant leader of a jewel heist gang  that pulls off complicated heists for a despicable fence (Danny DeVito). After stiffing the gang on a jewelry robbery De Vito forces the gang to go after a Swiss gold shipment and to use his nephew in the crime. No one trusts anyone and every step is shaded with the unexpected.

TV finished our day of rest.

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