Saturday, April 09, 2016

Saturday - 9 Apr/16

I guess 9 a.m. can be considered "Sleeping In"!

Another beautiful day - with the "Cool Spell" equalling  - 10 F below normal which makes it the Mid-70's F. for a high. Perfectly clear skies and a good breeze means a light jacket this morning until it gets out of the 60's F.

During the morning Charlotte worked on a pair of folding tablet holders.

Another really neat project well done.

After dinner we headed for a day (and evening) in The Villages. We were lucky to get a parking spot on the square near the Van Heusen store. That's a rare occurrence as it is usually always packed. The store was really busy. Charlotte had to wait 10 minutes for a fitting room even though there were 4 in use. It was worth it - she found some more nice pants and tops for spring.

Our next stop was the Savannah Center for (Leo Anthony ) Gallagher's "The Jokes On You" Comedy Tour.

Our kids (and their friends) used to watch all the Gallagher videos when they were young. Along with the comedy they enjoyed when he used the "Sledge-O-Matic", a giant wooden mallet, to splatter the crowd with debris from watermelons and other concoctions he would create.

To honor them we bought tickets right up front on the aisle - and dressed accordingly.

Comedian Artie Fletcher opened the show and was joined by Gallagher after several minutes. Gallagher's still sports the same "Bald and Big Hair" style from 20 years ago, except now it has all turned grey. 

His comedy style has changed (no longer kid friendly) as he pokes "Right Wing" fun at gays, world cultures, America and old folks. Although he majored in chemical engineering his minor in English Literature shows through in his penchant for finding unusual logic in the use of words. George Carlin would be proud of his humour.

As they created plates full of items to smash Gallagher explained the method in his madness in order to get the maximum "Splash per Smash". The mixtures included everything from cream corn to pumpkin filling and all sorts of other squishy stuff.

Being up front and on the aisle we got sprayed by all sorts of splatter.

The splatter disperses so quickly there is no time to duck which is part of the (warped) fun. We (and most others in the front few rows) had to visit the washroom (after the show) to wash off the excess that got past our protective plastic "Haute Couture" wardrobe.

Nothing works up an appetite like being pelted with food. After the show we headed to the new Texas Roadhouse that had recently opened in Lady Lake, FL. There was a long line so we signed in, got a beeper and waited in comfort in the car while eating a bag of their (in the shell) peanuts.

We enjoyed our usual meal (8 oz. Dallas Filet) in peace and quiet (NOT!). The meal was excellent; but the continuous "Hub-Bub" of the packed-to-capacity crowd would make airport takeoffs seem quiet. We were stuffed and headed home with our baked regular and sweet potatos "To Go".

Another busy and varied day. I suspect we will be glad to relax tomorrow morning while watching CBS Sunday Morning.

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