Saturday, March 04, 2017

Sat - 4 Mar/17

It will be cool and windy for several days. We have no big plans for today.

This morning there was a craft and ??? fair outside near the office. It was just for "OMS" residents. Charlotte bought a few "Catnip" treats made by fellow crafter Martha (Saranac Lake area, NY) to bring home to the furs: Max and Jesse (Cats).

Charlotte found something she did know she needed. She also found a cross-stitch made by Julie who is also a crafter (from Michigan).

We returned to the motorhome and I made brunch while watching Innovation Nation. Bacon, eggs and cheese all done together like an omelet - it ain't pretty; but it tastes good.

Linda, another crafter (from Ontario) stopped by to see if Charlotte was going to go to the Craft Room on Monday morning. That isn't a regular "Sewing" day; but Charlotte didn't have to be coaxed. She will be going. Lynda (this time spelt with a "Y"; Why? Because we like you! (Ooops! Watched too much M-I-C-K-E-Y ...) |Actually it is because I am not sure which way she spells her name - Hey - I've got a 50/50 chance of being correct. - grin). L?nda liked Charlotte's "Quilt Quilt" (Sorry, I only stutter when I type - another grin).

We watched TV until almost dusk then headed out for supper.

First stop was at Publix to check our lotto tickets and to pick up Charlotte's magazines (Woman's World and First). We won enough to pay for this week's tickets. We keep on dreaming.

We finally decided on Arby's. As usual Charlotte chose the French Dip and I had 2 Arby Jr's. (...always with too much Horsey Sauce).

We made a stop at Walgreen's on the way back to OMS. Charlotte wanted a few more items to place into her Mini-Duffle Bags". Hooray! She found what she was looking for. (Hey! Something she knew she needed! - I'm really grinning this time.)

I had to pull over twice within 2 blocks while going through Umatilla. Police with Lights; but No Siren (usually a Code 2) were really in a hurry. At the speed they were going it actually seemed like it might be a Code 3; but they left the sirens off so the perpetrator(s) wouldn't know they were coming. Hope this doesn't make the evening news! (today's news already had several murders).

Just TV surfing until bedtime.

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