Thursday, March 02, 2017

Thu - 2 Mar/17

Not a lot going on today. Weather will be cloudy with 30% chance of rain. Still getting into the mid-80's F before the cold front drops it to the 70's.

Charlotte checked when she arrived at the Craft Room to see if the "Cupboard" was open. It wasn't! I drove her to the office to pick up the key.

I drove Charlotte back to the Craft Room and after carrying in her sewing machine I went to The Lodge to use the internet until noon. I checked our P.O. Box  and found a notice reminding us to reserve before Friday for next year or the sites become available to the public. We talked it over again and decided to "Play it by Ear" next year. I'm a slow learner - it took me 70 years to realize I am no longer invincible. I just hate to be locked into decisions (aka reservations); especially those I have to pay for in advance.

Charlotte finished the last 3 of her mini-duffle bags today. I doubt if these are the last she will make - she enjoys making them. They are so neat! The cupboard key was returned to the office. Lunch was another round of spaghetti with only one more to go (tomorrow).

The motorhome isn't heating up much because of the cloud cover. I left the A/C on to keep it from becoming humid. The motorhome has 2 A/C units - 1 large and 1 small. They both use the same common ceiling ductwork to cool all of the RV. I set the large unit's thermostat 2 degrees higher than the small unit. If the temp rises above the small unit setting the large A/C will come on for a short period and bring it down quickly - then shut off. This makes it much quieter for most of the time as the small unit can barely be heard when running. This also saves power costs.

Just a relaxing afternoon - TV surfing until we headed out just before suppertime. The coming rain front cooled things off enough to allow the A/C to be shut off when we left. Charlotte needed black thread to finish her Cat Quilt so we were off to JoAnn with coupons in hand.


Earlier announcement didn't last long. Charlotte found some nice material and now has enough to make 6 more mini-duffle bags! EXCELLENT!

Bill's Rule #3: If you enjoy doing it - keep doing it!

We made it back to the motorhome just before dusk; but not before the rain. I always enjoy listening to it bounce off the RV's roof. At least we were back in time for Jeopardy.

Supper was sinful. Charlotte couldn't resist how fresh they smelled when we were shopping yesterday. Fresh Florida strawberries are now becoming available. After cutting them up they were added to shortcake and topped with 2 rounds of heavy whipped cream. Mmmm - Good!

As usual, it was TV surfing to end the evening. I hope the rain is still falling at bedtime.

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