Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Wed - 8 Mar/17

The weather for the next week will be similar to the past week. Temps in the min-80's F with a 30% chance of a small scattered showers, light clouds and low winds.

We went to the office to pick up tickets for Saturdays show in the Rec Hall before heading to the Craft Room (Charlotte) and The Lodge (Me).

Charlotte completed 3 more of the Mini-Duffle Bags. They are still just as neat as the first time she made them.

With less than 2 weeks before our departure we are trying to empty the refrigerator - especially frozen items. Today's lunch was Marie Callender Turkey Pot Pies.

Mid-afternoon we went to Joann Fabrics to pick up some more material for the "Last Batch" of Mini-Duffle Bags. (I've said that before - grin).

This qualifies for Bill's Rule #3: "If you enjoy doing it - keep doing it!"

Charlotte made a stop at the "Country Store" next to our RV park (OMS). She found a few items to put in her "Mini-Duffle Bags" that "are "Florida".

Tonight's TV required quite a bit of "Surfing". TV is "All Downhill" after Tuesday.

That's it for another day.

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