Monday, March 06, 2017

Mon - 6 Mar/17

It was still windy today; however the temps are climbing and will be up to the 80's F by tomorrow. It will stay that way for a week or so. The skies are clear; however there will be spotty showers now and then for the next week.

I drove Charlotte to the office to get the "Cupboard Key"; however she drove to the Craft Room. This is "Yoga Day" so The Lodge is out of bounds for anyone else. They can do all sorts of contortions on the mats; but the only thing that "Gets Out of Joint" is their "Nose" if anyone else is in the room while they are exercising as proclaimed by the "Do Not Enter!" signs on the doors. Since tables may be at a premium this morning in the Craft Room I will use my phone as a "Hotspot" and do my Internet business in the motorhome.

I spent the morning trying to figure out where to pack all the extra items we bought at Harbor Freight yesterday. The compartments of the motorhome are already stuffed for our return home which is less than 2 weeks away.

Charlotte is working on finishing the "Cat Quilt" today. She has to complete the final binding. This took longer than usual with her returning after the noon hour. She then walked to the office to return the cupboard key.

Charlotte just has a little "Hand Stitching" to do now to finish.

Orlando City SC (Soccer Club) played it's season opener in their brand new stadium yesterday. They won 1-0 which means we could get a Papa John' s pizza for 50% off if we order online using the promo code OCWIN. We have been wanting to try it for a while. Today we ordered a Large Thin Crust "The Works" pizza.

I printed out the confirmation and left to pick it up at the Mt. Dora location. It is in the same plaza as Hobby Lobby (3 stores to the left). We arrive about the time it was ready.

There are no tables to eat in the store. This is the case for most Papa John's Pizza places. We drove to the Lake Walk in Eustis and enjoyed the pizza in the car. There are no picnic tables available there; but at least we had a view. This is not unlike many areas in Florida. "No picnic tables" is probably done to discourage loitering or the homeless from setting up camp in the area. The pizza was the best $8.00 (+ tax) large pizza we have ever had! (We have only had 1 large $8 pizza - grin).

Papa John's is the world's 3rd largest take-out and pizza delivery company. It started in 1983 in Jeffersonville, Indiana (across the river from Louisville, KY). "Papa" John (Schnatter) knocked out a broom closet in the back of his father's tavern |(Mick's Lounge), sold his 1971 Camaro Z28 for seed money, bought $1,600 worth of pizza making equipment and began selling to the tavern's customers. Today there are over 4,700 franchise locations in the USA and 37 countries worldwide. It was the first national chain to initiate "Online Ordering".

Their current slogan changes "Fresher Ingredients"(etc.)... to... "Better Ingredients, Better Pizza." (Papa John's).  This is their current continuing response to the initial lawsuit filed by Pizza Hut against their previous advertising that compared Papa John's ingredients to their competitors. The jury's decision was upheld. On appeal the court ruled that the slogan did not constitute statements of literal fact – that "fresher ingredients" do not necessarily account for a "better" pizza . It was misleading advertising; however, the court also concluded that this slogan was not material in customer's purchasing decisions.

Maybe Shakespeare (or possibly Christopher Marlowe and/or Thomas Nashe) was right when he wrote in the play Henry VI (circa 1591) ... (Dick the Butcher)... "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

If things were bad enough in that era to evoke those writings from Shakespeare (et al?)...imagine the state of affairs we are in today (grin).

Our entertainment for tonight was "Hotel California" at the Orange Blossom Opry (7:30 p.m.) This band was formed originally to fill the void left by the "Eagles" original departure from the music scene in 1982. The band features 5 multi-talented musical professionals that faithfully reproduce the mega-hits of this Super Group. Although the Eagles did return with their "Hell Freezes Over Tour" and later appearances throughout the years, the death of Eagles founder, Glen Frey (a little over a year ago) now makes that impossible. This, along with "Hotel California's" superb talent, makes them one of the most sought after "Cover" groups in the world.

Tonight, they did not disappoint. There were at least 2 dozen instruments on stage (more than a dozen were guitars and variations thereof). They all played multiple guitars and a variety of other instruments (except the drummer). They were the "Eagles" as far as the crowd was concerned - garnering several standing ovations. They were fantastic!

We made it back to the motorhome in time for the tail end of "Scorpion" on TV.

The Local News and The Late Show followed. I couldn't wait to hear Stephen Colbert's skewering of "The Donald's (Trump) weekend Tweets that stated Obama had Trump Towers "Bugged" and compared Obama to Nixon and Watergate.

That brought back memories of when Charlotte and I were in Washington, DC when "Watergate" first broke. We heard references to Watergate continuously; but at that time we didn't "have a clue" to what it was all about. I wonder if this will become Trump's "Tweetergate" (grin).

Trump's conduct is unbelievable for anyone of prominence - let alone the President of the United States of America; but as they say - "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction" or the alternate "You Can't Write This Stuff!".

...and on that note I end the blog.

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