Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tue - 14 Mar/17

Most of the rain yesterday missed us or was so light it was more of a mist except the last band that lasted for a few hours and was steady and fairly heavy. This brought a morning that was cold and damp even after the rain had passed. Yesterday the bikers were dressed for fall as they went out on their ride - today they were dressed for winter.

Charlotte went to the Craft Room with nothing in hand this morning. They are doing "Viking Knitting", whatever that is. We know what "Swedish Weaving" is; after this morning we will know about "Swedish Knitting".

I pulled directly into a car wash spot that was open. This made Charlotte journey this morning an extra 50 or 60 feet longer. I wanted to wash all the leaves and acorns that fell onto the car during the rain. Three others arrived in their vehicles shortly after to do the same. They all came for the same reason. No scrubbing or polishing - just getting the leaves and acorns off.

After washing I pulled the car into our usual spot on the other side of the parking lot. took the computer out of the trunk, checked the mail (none) at the P.O. and proceeded to The Lodge. This morning, after the routine "Internet Stuff" I settled in to check the long term weather predictions in preparation for our trip home later this week.

Charlotte arrived at The Lodge a little after the noon hour. I then found out what "Viking Knitting" looked like. Although their are "Tools", Viking Knitting basically can be done using a 3/8" wooden dowel. Essentially, it is wire weaving. Charlotte enjoyed learning how to do it. (and she did a good job!)

We then returned to the motorhome and reheated the Spanish Rice for lunch.

We relaxed until about 1:30 p.m. before heading out. The first stop was at Advance Auto Parts where I picked up a set of "Honda" seat covers for the Del Sol.

The next stop was at Wally's Garage. Wally had done a complete tune-up on the Del Sol a few weeks ago. He had replace all the original belts on the motor. I do this every 22 years whether it needs them or not! (grin). I can't believe they lasted that long! (Honda Quality, EH!).

I now was getting a "Chirp" on first starting the car in the morning. We both agreed that it was the alternator belt which was under "load" on starting. It probably had stretched enough to cause it to slip a bit causing the "chirp" until it got up to traction. Wally had it all set in just a few minutes.

Next we were off to Jo-Ann (Fabrics) for a material for (aw, you guessed it) more mini-duffle bags.

The cool weather was still with us; however it was now sunny so the top came off (the Del Sol - another grin). We took our usual lakeshore route along Lake Eustis. We then succumbed to temptation and pulled in at Ice Cream Shop in Umatilla, FL for a treat. We each decided on  milk shakes made the "old-fashioned way". They were good!

We then decided to go to Ken's Deli, Bakery and Amish Market in Mt. Dora, FL. They are known for their Deli Sandwiches; however we went for the "Amish" stuff. We would not be stopping, like we often do on our way home, in "Amish" country (in PA, IN or OH) so this was our stop to get something "Amish". Charlotte succeeded. Our only miss was “Sweet Potato Chips”. We recently had a bag at a restaurant and have been trying to find some ever since.

The best part of all this travelling around was that it was done on "Slow Roads" with the top off.

The extra hour of sunshine had us a little "out of sync"; however we managed to arrive back at the motorhome in time for Jeopardy. With the storm now gone the reception was good enough for us to be able to watch (except for a few blips).

P.S. You know that “Extra Hour” is a misconception; don't you? I hate to break it to you but; they just changed the time. (I’m grinning)

Tuesday, being the best TV night, means we will watch mostly CBS (NCIS) and not have to "Channel Surf" tonight.

That wraps up what turned out to be a day that was busier than expected.

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