Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wed., 13 Feb 13

Rain again today - steady and heavy!

The Wi-Fi again was not good enough to do the blog with pictures. I did manage to get the blog for Monday and Tuesday, as well as today, out after a few hours of trying. Since there was nothing else to do in the rain it helped to pass the time.

The rain is supposed to clear; however, there will be a drastic drop in temperature. It is expected to be below freezing in areas at night. Quite a change as last night's temperature was 75 F. By mid-afternoon it was already down to the low 40's and the front windshield on the motorhome was beginning to fog up.

The Wi-Fi still slow for pictures. I will try to download pictures into the Monday and Tuesday blogs.

We are anxious for better weather so we can get out and explore the area. Today we will just watch TV. Charlotte will crochet and I will doodle on the computer. The rest will do us good.

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